89. He want to be more than friends

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Ashton: Ever since you and Ashton had been in school together he was trying to be more than friends with you. But you always thought Ash was more immature than you wanted to be with. One night the two of you got to hangout at a party, when he came home from tour. Throughout the night you were so surprised by how mature he had become while being on tour. You waited for him to try his moves that he always did, which he did. He leaned in closer and whispered. "Kiss me." With a cheeky grin. you mentally shrugged and kissed him. He looked shocked when your lips parted. "So what does this mean?" He asked.

Calum: You had just met Calum while at the fair, and the two of you were getting a lone really well. "So wanna go on the Ferris wheel?" You grin and nod, "That's my favorite." He takes your hand as the two of you walk, which sent butterflies through your stomach. While on the ride, Cal cuddled closer. "So I hope you don't take this as me just trying to get into your pants." You just look up at him confused. "From how flirty I'm acting, I don't want to get into your pants-" You interrupted him "Ouch I'm hurt." He shook his head fast. "No I do-" He sighed. "What I'm trying to say is that I really like you and I don't want to do the whole friends thing first, I really want to start dating." A smile spread across your face, which made him smile. You leaned in close to his face, "That sounds perfect to me." He kissed you while you were at the very top of the Ferris Wheel. Then the two of you looked out at the view, which took your breath away.

Luke: "Wow you look amazing." Luke's jaw literally dropped as he saw you walk down the stairs of your house. You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and blushed. "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself." You didn't have a date to the school dance, and Luke was in town on tour, so being the good friend he is, promised to be your date. He hooked arms with you as your mom took the classic school dance photos. "Ready to go?" He asks. After the dance he walked you up to your door. "I had a really good time tonight (Y/N)." Luke had his hand on your waist. "Yeah I did too thanks for being here for me." He started to lean in closer, and kissed you softly. "I have wanted to do that since forever." He whispered. "So does this mean we actually went as a couple and not friends?" You asked him. He grinned and nodded.

Michael: You and Michael had been friends for years, but it was more of a brother sister relationship. He was even listed as your brother on Facebook. He had been dating a girl for over a week now, but he didn't seem happy and started texting you about it. A couple days went by and it went from being a helping friend to the two of of you flirting. You felt bad at first until one day he texted you, saying he had broken up with her. "So who do you like now?" You asked him. You waited for a reply with butterflies filling up your stomach. "You. I have always liked you but I thought that I had no chance being with you." You had a stupid grin across your face. You replied back, "Well I have felt the same way for months now too." And that started your relationship.

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