103. Rainy Days

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Ashton: You awoke to the pattering of rain on the window, and the heavy pounding of wind. Your curtains were drawn, but you knew today was a wash out. Ashton lie beside you, still immersed in sleep, his arms protectively wrapped around you, his breath fanning out over you shoulder. You sighed, and rolled over, careful not to jostle him too much and snuggled into his chest. These were the times you were truly content, lying in his arms with not a worry in the world. It wasn't until you began to drift back off to sleep that you heard his low morning voice, husky with no use over the night. "Good morning beautiful," He said kissing your cheek lightly. You nuzzled further into his chest, mumbling a greeting. Feeling his chest shake you hugged him closer, your legs an already intertwined mess. "We should get up..." he mumbled into your hair and you groaned. "No..." you breathed out laughing at his chuckle. "We can do something fun today, I don't have to go to the studio today." He said unraveling your legs. He mustn't have heard the rain quite yet and you merely stayed in bed, not wanting to be the one that would ruin his illusion of a nice day, you allowed him to roll out of bed and walk to the window. You admired his toned back, and his muscular arms, the only piece of clothing he wore were his boxers. You grabbed the comforter and pulled it a little tighter around you, your main source of heat was now pulling back the curtain. "Dammit!" He said revealing the heavy grey clouds and the steady stream of rain that fell from the sky in sheets. "Sorry babe," You said laughing as he walked back over pouting. He slipped back into his side of the bed before pulling you closer against him. "You know what this means right?" He said into your hair. You hummed in response, urging him on. "We can spend all day in bed..." He said kissing your cheek softly. "Sounds like a perfect day to me." You said giving him a lazy kiss, knowing you had all day to do whatever you wanted to. 

Calum: Calum had thought it would be a good idea to wake up bright and early and go for a walk. You had warned him about the ominous looking clouds overhead but he had brushed it off with a flick of his hand saying, "It's not going to rain, it'll blow over." But here you were, completely drenched walking hand in hand down the street. You laughed as another crack of thunder boomed over you. "And you said it wasn't going to rain?" You said playfully punching his shoulder. He gave you a coy smile before pulling you against him. His skin was cold, just as yours was, and he looked down at you as his finger tilted your head up to kiss you gently. As the rain poured around you it was as if you two only existed as life went on around you two, you laughed as he pulled away a little breathless, wiping the water out of his eyes. "I've always wanted a kiss in the rain," you said resuming walking home. As the rain steadily came down harder you began to jog home, as you ran Calum grabbed your house key and had it ready to let you two in. Running up the steps, he opened the door allowing you in before shutting it behind him. You couldn't help the laugh that escaped your lips already seeing the puddles you both were making. Kicking off your sopping wet shoes you both ran up the stairs to your bedroom, trying to not get the carpet too wet, or the furniture. Peeling your clothes off you threw them in the bathtub, grabbing a pair of sweats and one of Calum's tank tops. He did the same, walking over to the sink you squeezed out your hair and ran a brush through it. Finishing that you walked out to see Calum gathering a few blankets off of your bed. "Grab a couple of pillows babe," He said, leaving you in your bedroom laughing. You took your pillows and met him downstairs, a smile instantly brightening his features. "Cuddle?" He asked, smiling at you. You couldn't resist as you walked over, tossing the pillows on the couch and wrapping your arms around his neck. "Cuddle?" You replied making him laugh, he wrapped him arms around you waist, and fell suddenly, pulling you onto of him. "That's better," He said snuggling into you. You laid against his chest, in complete contentment, listening to the storm bellow outside, knowing you were safe in his arms. 

Luke: "Come over :)" You texted your boyfriend, Luke, as the rain pattered against the window, tiny droplets running over the chilled glass, speeding past each other and often times merging together. Your phone vibrated in your palm with a received message. "I'll be over in a few!!" He replied. You didn't bother to change for him, it was one of those days were the day made you feel lethargic and tired, a perfect excuse to wear sweats and an oversized t shirt. As the minutes ticked by you heard Luke's car roll into the driveway, and you went to the front door to greet him. He ran through the rain, ducking his head slightly to avoid the onslaught of rain. He ran through the open door and smiled when he saw you. Pecking his lips, you avoided his outstretched arms. "You're all wet Luke!" You said as he pouted. He playfully looked offended as he shrugged off his jacket and hung it in the closet, walking towards you once more. "Now can I have a hug?" He asked you, grinning. You took a step towards him, just out of reach. "You have to catch me first," You said laughing at his raised eyebrows. You spun on your heel running down the hallway, your trills of laughter echoing around you. You heard him chasing you, and you tried to run faster, making your way upstairs - taking two at a time to escape his clutches - you had no where to go now. You ran into your bedroom, Luke close on your heels. You suddenly felt a pair of hands on your waist pulling you backwards against his chest. "Caught yeah," he said, a deep laugh rumbling behind you, his grip tightening as he picked you up, your squeals of delight surrounding you. "Put me down Luke!" You said laughing. "Fine then," He dropped you suddenly on the bed causing you to laugh again. He sat down beside you, rolling over to cuddle into his legs. "What do you want to do today anyways?" He said running a hand over your shoulder. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" You asked, looking up at him through your eyelashes. "Doesn't matter to me, as long as your with me." He replied simply, a pink hue spreading across your cheeks. He bent down to kiss you, and you smiled, just glad to have him with you on this rainy day.

Michael: "Watch that corner!" Michael said behind you as you maneuvered through a particular level in the game you were engrossed in. You were focused on the screen, watching as the zombies came at you. "There everywhere, oh my god." You said as you tried your best to kill them off. "Nice kill babe," Michael said his head resting on your shoulder, his hands on your thighs. The constant movement of his chest was reassuring, his hair tickling your neck. Your beach day had been cancelled from the rain that happened to fall on that day. So instead, you did what you did every other rainy day: play video games and cuddle. You were doing both as of the moment, his arms protectively wrapped around you, as you attempted this impossible level. You had never liked video games, up until you had met Michael they never peaked your interest. But as you watched him play them, your curiosity got the better of you and here you were, a proper gamer girl. Michael would occasionally chuckle because you tensed when a zombie came around a corner, or something popped out. Sometimes he would help you with the controls, his large hands covering yours as he guided you through a tricky part. You paused the game, needing a breather from the intense game, and you stretched against him. He laughed as your back popped and crackled and you leaned back against him. He picked up his phone from beside him, and holding it in front of you two. "Smile babe," He said. You did regardless, not knowing what he had in mind. "You're so beautiful (Y/N)," he said against your shoulder and you blushed. The house was quiet, none of the boys were home, the television muted, the only sound was the rain outside and Michaels breathing. Your phone lit up beside you, and you looked at the notification. It was an instragram notification, and you swiped your finger across to view it. Michael had tagged you in a picture, and you immediately knew what it was. The picture was cute, just of you two smiling at the camera, your hair in a messy bun and one of his t shirts on. He rested his head on your shoulder and smiled as well. The caption read: "Rainy day with (Y/N), the best kind of days. xx" You smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you," you said. He kissed your cheek back, "I love you too." 

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