94. On the kiss cam with another boy

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You had gone with the boys to a soccer match. You were sitting between Michael and Luke, them shouting and cheering the whole way through. You looked were looking down at your phone for just a minute when Luke started nudging you. "Uuumm, y/n?" "What?" You asked and he nodded towards the big screen, which you two were now on. "Kiss her!" Some guy yelled as people cheered. Luke was blushing madly with a wide grin, that is until he noticed Michael giving him the death glare and his grin turned to a more terrified expression. People kept cheering, and you leaned over an  kissed Luke, but only on the cheek. This made him blush even more as he sank into his seat. "Y/n that was weak!" Calum laughed. You just shrugged. Michael intertwined his fingers with yours, looking a bit uncomfortable. "Are you jealous?" You whispered. He just looked at you for a second this smashed his lips onto yours. "Maybe a little bit. But don't tell anyone." He winked.


"You're really enjoying this aren't you?" You sighed after what seemed like the hundredth time of Calum standing up and shouting something at the players. "You're actually bored!? It's almost over, maybe we'll be on the kiss cam or something." He grinned, giving you a quick peck on the cheek before shouting something else. Well...he was half right. You were on the kiss cam, just with Michael instead of Calum. "I'm waiting." Michael smirked, making an awkward kissy face at you. Calum tapped your shoulder and you turned around to seem him doing his best pouty face at you. You just giggled and kissed Calum while the crowd went crazy with a mixture of aawwwsss and laughter. "Love you." Calum smiled. "I love you too." You said back. "Well aren't you guys adorable." Michael said jokingly. "You're just jealous!" Calum shouted before refocusing on the game.


This game was taking forever. You were sat in between Luke
and Ashton who were both very into the game. You weren't that interested, considering you didn't know either of the teams participating in the game. You were looking at the big screen, watching all the couples on the kiss cam when it came to you and Ashton. He just started laughing and tried to explain you weren't together. You were about to say something when out of no where Luke cupped your face in his hands and pressed his lips onto yours. Everyone started cheering and whistling at him while his face turned bright red and he pulled his hood up. "That was unexpected. Where'd that confidence come from?" You giggled. "I don't know...I just didn't want him to kiss you." He admitted. You kissed him on the cheek. "I wasn't going to anyways." You shrugged and he couldn't help but smile.


All night the kiss cam had been landing randomly on the people in the crowd. Every now and then it would land on people who weren't together, ending in a really awkward thirty seconds of people waiting. You just prayed it wouldn't happen to you. But of course, with your luck, it did. In fact, it landed on you and Calum. "Hey, the people want what the people want." Calum grinned cheekily as he leaned over to kiss you. You were shoving him away and laughing, he was trying not to laugh, after all he was only doing it jokingly, 100% innocent. Suddenly Ashton shoved him away this time and kissed you as the crowd laughed and the camera went on to the next person. "You're mine." Ashton pouted as he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder as you kissed him on the cheek.

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