79. He's talking in his sleep

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Ashton: Ashton had just gotten back from tour and was staying with you at your house. You and Ashton fell asleep together and were cuddling. You were having a hard time going to sleep but Ashton slept like a rock. You were tossing and turning while Ashton was curled in a ball mumbling. You rolled over to see him still asleep but talking to himself "Ash what are you saying?" he was just saying a few small words until he started forming sentences. "I can't" he would say "I'm not sure I don't think so" "please" he begged you felt like you should wake him up but you let him go for a second. "no please" after he had a look of saddness on his face you decided to shake him awake "Ash babe wake up" Ashton shot awake and grabbed you into a hug "Oh thank god" he said to himself. "What are you talking about you seemed like you were freaking out a little in your dream" You told him "I was it was horrible I was trying to keep you with me but you were trying to leave you said I either had to leave the band or you were leaving me" he looked almost to tears. "Ashton you know I would never ever do that you love music it is what makes you happy and when you're happy I am happy"

Luke: Luke had a few days off between shows and you had a few days off from classes so you decided to go out and see him. You brought your friend with you since she was a fan and you guys wanted sometime away from campus. You and her had gotten your own hotel room but the day your were there you stayed with Luke in his and Michael's shared roomed. Michael gladly left and stayed in the other room when you decided to come and crash with Luke. After a fun night you both were asleep. You heard something in the hall way and you shot awake. You looked out the peephole in the door and decided it was nothing as you went back into the room Luke was flipping all around talking i his sleep. "I'm freaking out"...."I know but"...."I don't think I can do this no I can I have to"..."I do I love her" then he fell silent and curled up again and you laid next to him resting your head on his chest "I take you"..."as my wife" you sat up and looked at him with a stupid look on your face and you realized he was dreaming of your wedding day. Luke's eyes slowly drifted open and saw you sitting there "you're awake love?" "What were you dreaming about?" "nothing go to sleep" "No tell me" you said laying back down with him "our wedding" he said with a huge grin on his face.

Calum: You were working late and got home much later then usual and Calum was already asleep. You took off your jacket and grabbed your pajamas from the bed and got changed and crawled into bed with your boyfriend. "Oh god no!" Calum yelled you jumped up looking at him but realizing he was still asleep. "take me not her!" you didn't understand what he was dreaming about but you laughed watching him sleep fight "go away!" you laughed to yourself as he fell silent again and you laid down next to him. After a few minutes Calum sat straight up leaning over and grabbing you "oh thank god you're here" "yea why?" "no reason just a nightmare" "yea you seemed like you were having trouble there" "I had a dream you were getting eaten my zombies oh it was awful" you shook your head craking up laughing. "Oh Calum you're to much" you said shaking your head and dosing off to sleep.

MIchael: Michael was asleep on the couch as you came in. He had fallen asleep playing video games yet again as you laughed walking into your bedroom. Next thing you hear is the controller being thrown across the room against the wall. You ran into the living room "what the hell Michael?" but he was still asleep but was on the floor. "What the hell is he doing?" you asked yourself. "SHIT" he yelled "NOT AGAIN!" he was flailing his arms and legs all around. "No fuck!" he was shouting rolling around and shaking. You sat on the floor next to him shaking him awake "Michael..MIKEY!" he woke p looking around "Shit I hate that dream" "reoccuring nightmare?" "yup since I was a kid someone pushes me out of a plane and I start falling" "Awe Mikey you're alright " you said grabbing him wrapping him in a hug.

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