14. he's off limits part 2

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Ashton: You walk through your house, filled with your brother’s friends and people you’ve never seen before. The music is blaring loudly and the downstairs smells strongly of alcohol. You move purposefully from one room to another in search of your brother’s friend, Ashton. After searching the whole down stairs twice, you give up and head to your room. You walk up the stairs, disappointed until you see Ashton standing on the landing above, looking the other way. You continue up the stairs and Ashton turns at the sound of your footsteps, a smirk forming on his lips. “I was looking for you,” he tells you. You blush and reply, “What for?” Ashton shrugs, but steps closer to you. “I’ve never seen your room,” he mumbles, stepping closer to you still. “I can change that,” you offer, taking his hand and leading him down the hall to your room. Once inside you shut the door, immediately being slammed into it as Ashton begins to kiss you roughly. His skin was hot and his lips tasted like alcohol. You lifted his muscle shirt over his head quickly and jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist. He lifted your shirt off and dropped you onto your bed, climbing on top of you. Your hands gripped his hair tightly as he kissed and sucked at your collar bone. “Ash,” you moaned, “We sh-shouldn’t be doing th-this.” “That’s why it’s fun,” Ashton murmured against your skin. “Y/n where are -” You sit up quickly to see your brother in the doorway. “Holy - Ashton!?” Ashton clambers off your bed, cursing under his breath as he stumbles to his feet. “It’s not what -” Ashton was interrupted by your brother’s fist against his jaw. He staggered backwards and you screamed. “Stop!” You shout as your brother swings at him again. You hop off your bed, running to get between your brother and Ashton, but your brother had already grabbed Ashton by the arm. “Do not leave your room again do you understand me!?” Your brother shouts as he leaves the room, throwing Ashton in front of him. You grab your shirt, pulling it over your head quickly before running out the door. Out in the hall your brother’s other friend stops you. “Woah, y/n, I’m supposed to make sure you stay in your room,” he says. “You don’t understand!” You scream. “He’s gonna kill him!” You try to fight past his friend, but he’s much bigger than you. “What are you talking about? No one’s getting killed,” he laughs, “He just doesn’t want you getting wasted.” You pound on his chest furiously. “Have you already been drinking?” He asks, looking at you concerned. “What? No!” You splutter, “Just let me go!” “I can’t,” he says simply, pushing you gently back into your room. You pound on the door, but find that it’s locked from the outside. Eventually you give up, falling to the floor and crying hot tears until you fall asleep.

Michael: You arrive at Michael’s door and ring the doorbell, nervously fidgeting while you wait for him to answer. You hadn’t seen him since the last time you were over - when he tried to kiss you. Unfortunately, you still had to do the science project, so avoiding him was not an option. The door opens and Michael smiles at you, leading you silently up to his room. You sit on the edge of the bed, as far away from where Michael was sitting as possible and stare down at your shoes. “Where should we start?” Michael asks, moving to sit Indian style on the floor and lining up your supplies neatly in front of him. “I dunno,” you say with a shrug. Michael sighs, but continues to fiddle with the different things on the floor. He leans back to admire his line-up and accidentally grazes your leg, making you flinch back. Michael must have noticed, because he looks at you sadly and gets up, sitting about a foot away from you on the bed. He sighs and says, “Look, I’m sorry about last time you were over. When - ya know. I got caught up in the moment and put you in an awkward position because of your friend and I’m sorry. ” You looked up and met his eyes and mumbled, “I talked to my friend. She has a new boyfriend.” “That’s, uh, good?” Michael said as more of a question, not seeing where you were going with this. “She said she’s over you,” you add. “Um, thank you?” Michael says, still confused. “I’m sorry,” he adds, “But I don’t see where this is -” He is forced to stop talking when your lips meet his. He pulls away after a second, his eyes searching yours. “Are you sure it’s okay?” He asks, unable to keep the hopeful tone out of his voice. You nod quickly, “She doesn’t own you,” you explain, determinedly, “And she has a new boyfriend why would it matter to her?” He grins broadly before kissing you again, tangling his hands in your hair. “But maybe we shouldn’t tell her right now,” you mumble into his mouth. He laughs back, his chest vibrating against yours. “Deal,” he says.

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