64. His/Your parents find a used condom

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His/Your parents find a used condom

Luke: You and luke had just had sex the night before. You two were just laying in bed togther when you hear his mom shriek. You two quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. "Luke! What is that?" she says sternly. "Umm.... A condom?." He says shyly. "Did you guys???... Oh No Luke!!" "Hey Mum at least we wore protection, I mean right?" His mom is silent thinking about it. She sighs. "Well yes your right i guess, Next time throw it away somehwere it alright not in the kitchen garbage." "Got it mum. " He says. You two go back up stairs. "That was a close one." He says. "Sure was." You say.

Calum: You and Calum were downstairs cuddled on the couch. You two were tired from the night before. Next thing you know you hear your mom calling for you. She sounded angry. "Can you explain to me what this is.?" She says holding up a condom wrapper. You were silent. "Hmmmm..????" "Its a condom wrapper" You say back at her. "Do you know whos it is?" Your brother comes behind you. "Its mine." He says. Your mom goes over to him. "Goddammit i told you already to throw these things away" She says walking away angrily. "Thanks you say." "No problem" Your brother says "Buuutttt..... YOu kinda owe me." You sigh. "What do you want?" "Take me to my friends house please." He says. You and Calum gladly took him over to his buddys house.

Ashton: Ashton had to leave early for an interview with the boys. So after he left you went back to sleep. You were sleeping peacefully when your mom barged in. "(Y/n) get up now. Come here" You got up and followed her to the bathroom. "Whats that?" you were still kinda sleepy so it took a while before you knew what she was talking about. "Its a... Condom." You say. "No shit, why is it there?" Your mom said. You sighed. "Mom me and Ash had sex ok, I know you might me mad or upset but at least we used protection. Would you rather see me pregnat right now?" "No." She says quietly. "Well me either, I Mean i love Ashton and everything but i know, we know when well be ready for that and right now were not so thats why we used a condom. " You say. Your mom sighs. "Your right" She says. "Im sorry, but next time at least hide it ok, cas i dont wanna think about my little girl having sex." "Got it mom." You say.

Michael: You and Michael are laying down. You two were still kinda tired from last night. You two go downstairs finding his mom on the couch drinking coffee. "Hello." She says. "Goodmorning" You say. "Michael, (Y/n) will you come with me please." You two follow her to the trash. You two didnt know what she was talking about. Until you both realized the condom thats laying down in the trash, Your eyes widen really big and so did his. "Mu-" "Save it, its ok. I just wanted to see if you would say its not yours." "it is mine, We had sex last night. Im really so-" he says. " I said it was fine Michael." she walks back to the couch. "Its better to be safe than sorry." She says turnung around to you guys.

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