32. Someone notices your/his love bite

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Michael: “Michael! Michael!” A group of teenage girls call his name, drawing his attention from the boys. “What’s up?” He asks, walking over to them, the others lagging behind. “Is Y/n in town?” One girl asks, her friends giggling beside her. “Why?” Michael asks, surveying the girls in confusion. Still giggling, the girl points to his neck. Instantly his hand flies up, covering the little pink spots on his skin. “Yeah, she’s visiting,” he mumbles, his face turning redder and redder as his band mates look on, wondering what’s happening. “Um, don’t - don’t tell anyone,” Michael whispers to the girls, glancing nervously at his friends. “What’s going on, Mikey?” Calum asks, walking up and noticing Michael’s hand covering his neck. “What’s this?” He asks loudly, prying the hand away. The other two join, and Michael gives up, removing his hand. Michael is then forced to endure an hour of jokes about you and him.

Luke: You lay across Luke’s hotel room bed as he absent-mindedly plays with your hair. “Hey!” Calum greets, jumping onto the bed and landing at your feet. Ashton follows, sitting by Calum, and Michael crawls up on your other side. You close your eyes, resting your head on Luke’s shoulder and tuning out the boys as they discuss their plans for the show. “Y/n,” you open your eyes to see Michael looking at you in amusement. “What are these?” He starts poking at your collarbone and neck, making Calum and Ashton laugh. “Luke, what happened last night?” Michael asks, smirking. You turn away, hiding the love bites from view and burying your face in Luke’s chest in embarrassment. You hear the boys laugh hysterically. “Does Lukey have them, too?” Calum asks, clambering toward Luke to see for himself. “He does!” he cries, poking at Luke’s neck now. Luke grabs a pillow, covering his red face from the boys as they begin to joke about what must have happened the night before.

Ashton: “Let’s go see what Ashton is up to,” Calum says to the camera as he opens the door to Ashton’s room. “Oh Y/n is here! That’s awkward,” Calum mutters, moving his phone to film you and Ashton. “Cal, get out we’re sleeping,” Ashton mumbles, pulling you closer to him. “Together? That’s naughty,” Calum giggles, strolling to the window and opening the blinds. You groan, hiding your face in Ashton’s bare chest as the light streams in. “Let’s hope they’re not naked,” Calum adds as he starts to pull back the covers. Ashton sits up, running a hand through his hair as he pulls the covers back up over you. “Are you filming?” Ashton asks in shock. Calum nods, laughing. “Go away,” Ashton begs, turning to lay back down. “Wait!” Calum says, hurrying toward Ashton, “Are these hickeys?” He holds the camera close to Ashton’s bare skin, examining the little pink circles. “Calum go!” Ashton groans, pulling the covers back over himself and chucking a pillow at Calum. “I bet they are naked!” Calum squeals as he runs from the room.

Calum: You scroll through your twitter feed and are surprised to see your and Calum’s ship name trending. Clicking on the trend, you immediately see a flood of pictures of the two of you out today, each zoomed in on your neck or Calum’s. “Calum, did you see this?” You ask, showing him your phone. Calum laughs, pulling out his own and opening twitter. He finds a tweet with a picture of a small pink circle on your neck, captioned 'Calum left a hickey on Y/n!' He giggles, replying 'reow ;)’. You see his tweet and glare at him before typing back to him, 'I'm gonna kill you.' He looks at you, laughing and shaking his head before turning back to his phone. In a second you receive a tweet from him. 'Can't wait ;) hehe!' You laugh despite yourself, punching Calum’s arm as he laughs with you. “That’s so embarrassing,” you mutter, blushing. “At least they know you’re mine,” Calum replies with a shrug.

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