33. What the fans love about you

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Calum: The fans love your sense of humor. You always say the funniest, sassiest things in keeks and they love it. They feel like you fit in so well with all of the guys and they love that you are sarcastic with them. They love when Calum tweets funny things that you said and they all really look up to you.

Ashton: The fans love how kind you are. They aren’t intimidated by you and they love talking to you at concerts or hotels. They love that you don’t mind them coming up to talk to Ashton and get a picture while you’re on dates. They think it’s great that you’ll secretly tell fans where the boys will be so that everyone gets a chance to meet them.

Michael: The fans love how happy you make Michael. They always see pictures of the two of you together and Michael always seems to be smiling. Whether it’s a fan photo of you two walking down the street or a picture one of the boys posted of you two playing video games, there’s no denying that Michael is happiest with you beside him, and when Michael’s happy, they’re happy.

Luke: The fans love how awkward you are. They think you’re so adorable, and they love meeting you and asking you about Luke because you get really shy, They think it’s cute that you blush when they bring him up, and they love how you light up when you’re with him, and how he does the same with you. They know that you really understand Luke and love everything about him.

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