109. You're best friends with him and he asks you out

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Luke: You've never seen him so nervous before; sweaty palms, chapped lips, and shaking legs. Even before a big gig he's usually calm enough to look you in the eye, listen to some music, and go through his twitter mentions from-some would say-crazy fangirls. "Are you alright? You don't look so good." You comment, watching as he paced the dressing room floor in front of you. The crowd was roaring outside, and you knew he had to be on stage in less than two minutes. "Listen, I've got something to ask and I don't know how you're going to react so just...please, don't freak out." You nod, taking a seat in his dressing room chair, "Ask away buddy." He cracks a nervous smile, rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably and staring out the window where fans were screaming his name, "We've been friends for nearly five years, and I think I'm ready." You look at him in a state of confusion, as he turns to you, his eyes locking on yours, "You're always there for me, (Y/N). You know how to make me laugh when I'm in a bad mood, smile when I need to cry my eyes out and you always answer the phone for me, even if it's four in the morning! When you're around, it's as if the universe changes and for once, everything is going my way. What I'm trying to say is...can we give us-you and me-a try?" Your heart is beating out of your chest at the newly found information that your best friend whom you've always just seen as a "friend", is asking you out on a date, and at the same time had admitted his feelings for you. A loud bang on the door interrupts the intense moment by Michael, who peeks his head in through the door, shouting obnoxiously, "DID YOU TELL HER ABOUT HOW YOU LOVE HER YET? WE'VE KIND OF GOT A SHOW TO DO!" Your cheeks warm, as you look into look Luke's eyes, and nod, "Yes he did...and the feelings are mutual."

Ashton: You look down at your phone, receiving a text from Ashton that he's running late for your movie marathon. Ever since you guys were ten you would sit in for countless hours watching movies and making fun of the serious parts. You've made memories with him that'll last a life time, and for that, you were grateful for him. After nearly an hour of waiting, you hear the doorbell ring and echo your empty house. The door opens, and you reveal Ashton, whose grinning from ear to ear. "What happened? I haven't seen you smile like this since...wait a minute, did you steal another kitten off the street again? Don't you remember what your mom told you? You can't take them unless they're yours!" He laughed, shaking his head and making his way into your house, speaking eagerly "Not this time (Y/N)! I have news that could guarantee me a lifetime supply of cats without stealing them!" You close the door behind you, leaning against it, "What? You got a job at Petsmart?" He shook his head and his mood suddenly turns serious, "We've got a couple of multiple guaranteed gigs...in stadiums...which is for One Directions "Take Me Home" tour!" You smile happily, and say how proud you are of him and the band. You wrap your arms around him and grip him tighter than you usually do, knowing that soon enough he'll be gone. "What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy for me, for us. This is practically our dream come true. Talk to me, (Y/N)." You swallow the lump in your throat, and manage to stutter out, "I-It's nothing, it's just...my best friend is going to be traveling the world, without me. I'll miss you." He smirked, pulling out a small bouquet of flowers from under his denim jacket, and getting down on one knee majestically, "I've been meaning to ask you something, and it may come as quite of a shock but before I leave, I'd like to take my best friend out on a date." Your chest tightens, and you mumble, "This isn't happening. This isn't real, I'm dreaming...maybe I passed out on the couch." He pinches your hand, rising from the ground, "Ouch! What was that for?" He shrugged his shoulders, "To make you realize this isn't a dream, and I want you to come out with me, tonight." You nod slightly, biting back your lip, "This seems very out of the blue...what's the catch?" Knowing him all too well, you're convinced this is just a prank the boys dared him to do. Ashton hands you the flowers, and walks towards the door, but turns to face you before leaving, "No catch. It's just the fact that...the day you walked into my life, you made me realize why it didn't work out with anyone else."

MICHAEL: You're sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, tears slipping down your cheeks, burning your skin. Your eyelids are raw from rubbing them so roughly with your sleeve. Five hours ago you got a call that your best friend Michael was in a car accident. A bus had run a red light; glass was shattered, skin was torn, and blood was shed. Calum, Luke, and Ashton sit beside you with blank, emotionless expressions on their faces. You can hear your heart pounding in your head as you fight the tears that are evident to continue to fall. His parents or any kind of family members weren't here yet due to the unbelievable traffic. You can hear people honking their horns, cursing, and screaming at one another. You swallow the throbbing lump in your throat when a doctor approaches you, "Michael is awake. Visitors are one at a time, and he wants to see (Y/N) first. Please, follow me." "Leave it to Michael to not want to see my gorgeous face after he wakes up from a semi-coma." Luke teased, as Calum hit him in the back of the head, "Dude, shut up. He could've died, be serious." Luke shrugged his shoulders, glancing at me, "Sorry (Y/N), I just needed to crack a joke." You nod, "It's okay...I'll be quick guys, I promise." You follow the doctor into Michael's room, and he stops you, "Try to keep the conversation light, he's been through a lot in the past few hours." You nod, and lightly knock on the open door. Michael's head turns slightly, and you see tears in his eyes, but a smile slowly forming on his scratched face. "You came for me...you stayed this whole time." He croaks, his voice sounding scratchy as he gestures you to sit on the bed beside him. Michael's fingers brush against your hand, and he begins to scratch the cast on his arm. You swat lightly at his hand, and say, "I can't believe you...after surviving a near death experience you have the nerve to itch your cast." He smirks, his face relaxing while he glances back and forth between the window and your face. You make eye contact for a moment, and his eyes widen, "Oh my god you missed it! You didn't go to your try-out did you? (Y/N), how could you be so stupid? You're up for a full scholarship for your dream school!" You shake your head, and whisper, "You mean more to me than any scholarship or dream school." Tears slip through his eyelids, and slide slowly down his cheek as you feel his fingers finding you hand once again, "It's like that saying...you know how...when you like someone, you'll do anything for them." Your cheeks redden as he brushes the hair from your face, "You know (Y/N), t-this accident and this pain made me realize...we don't live forever. We won't be this young, forever. W-What I'm trying to say is...once I get out of here, and can stand on my own two feet by myself, will you go out on a date with me?" At first you're too shocked to continue, so he rambles on nervously, "T-There's no better feeling in the world to me than having my best friend standing beside me when I need her the most...but nothing beats knowing she'll do anything for me, just like I'll do the same for her." You can't help but smile at the pained yet frantic look on Michael's face as he awaits your conformation of a date offering. You feel his fingers lace through yours, as you say, "I'd love to go on a date with you."

CALUM- "He was an ass (Y/N), you just have to forget about him. A guy who cheats on you is definitely not a guy worth crying about." His hand rubs your back soothingly, and he speaks in a calm manor. He's the only one who can heal your heartbreak. Calum is your best friend, and without a doubt he's always there for you. He lets you lean on his shoulder, as he whispers, "It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life starts with goodbye." Although the break-up was two weeks ago, the pain feels as fresh as the day you found out the news. Without any warning Calum stands up and holds out his hands for you to take. "Come on (Y/N). I promise I won't do anything stupid just...trust me." You take his hands, and rest your head on his shoulder while he begins to slowly sway back and forth. "Put your feet on my shoes." He suggests, and you follow his lead. You can hear him humming the song "Heartbreak Girl", and you instantly smile. Calum notices and says, "Now that's my girl." There was no hesitation on his face when he called you at as "his girl". He breaks the silence once again with a surprising question, "Do you want to go out tonight? Like...without the guys. Just you and me, like the good ole' days." His eyes lock with yours, and you ask, "Like a date?" He smiles, "Like a date." Calum moves to the beat of his own humming, and the comforting silence signals that you agree to go out with him tonight. "I never knew I'd be where I am right now, but I feel like it's where I'm meant to be." You admit, standing on your feet and wrapping your arms around Calum. He's your best friend, your rock and the guy who'd move mountains just to get to you. His hand grazes your cheek, "Before I met you, way, way, way back when...I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason."

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