59. The fans ship you with someone else

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(y/c/s/n)- your celebrity ship name :)

Ashton: you are going through your tumblr, chuckling at a few of the post some of your fans have created. “What are you laughing at?” Ashton asks curiously, appearing out of no one, dropping down onto the coach next to you. “Well, all my fans know how much i love Ryan Gosling, so a bunch of them made photoshopped copies of me ad Ryan and said how cute we are together. They are hilarious, look! ” you snicker, showing him some of the fan made (y/c/s/n) pictures. Ashton looks blankly at the screen, his  eyes taking on that sad, lost puppy looks, instantly making you feel guilty. “But who needs Ryan Gosling when i have Ashton Irwin?” you quickly say, smiling sweetly at him, crawling onto his lap to kiss him, maneuvering the laptop away from him. He immediately cheers up, taking to your lips with ease. “Ryan Gosling has got nothing on you” you whisper with a smirk, before you take Ashton somewhere a little more private, to truly demonstrate how much you love him.

Michael: "What’s (y/c/s/n)?" Michael inquires out of nowhere one day. He is scrolling through his twitter, a confused, furrowed look on his handsome face. "Oh, it’s my and Chase’s name mashed up. The fans found out that my celebrity crush is Chase Crawford, so now they are shipping us, just for fun. Why?" you answer hin. "Because it’s all over twitter, it’s actually trending." he remarks, a sour edge to his voice. You can tell he is not amused by this. Michael would probably never admit to this, but he is definitely jealous. It suits him though, you find it very endearing and cute, his mouth all pinched up and frowny. You get up, walking over to him and looking over his shoulder to see what all the fuss is about. "Meh, I dunno,Chase is so last year…… I think I have a new celeb crush now" you announce casually. Michael turns his head to look at you. "Who?" he asks, his eyes narrowed. "Michael Clifford. He’s a babe" you grin, making even him laugh, all jealousy forgotten as you go in for a kiss.

Calum: You are deeply engulfed by the newest novel you are reading, completely consumed by the world of Stephen King, oblivious to your surroundings, until you hear your name being called repeatedly. You put down your book in annoyance, following the trail of shouts. You find your boyfriend Calum and his three band mates in front of the computer, doing a twitcam. “What?” you whine, wanting to get back to your book. “Get over here!” Calum demands. “Why, what is it?” you ask, perplexed by the urgency in Calum’s voice. “Here she is, explain what’s going on between you and Ian Somerhalder” Calum commands. “Nothing! I once mentioned he was my celebrity crush” you shrug. Calum however doesn’t seem neither convinced not satisfied with this reply. “So then why do i see all these (y/c/s/n) in our twitter feed?” he  pushes further. You can’t help but let out a giggle. It’s adorable seeing Calum this worked up. “Cal, he’s like 34 or something, I never even met him. I had a crush on him in the Vampire Diaries and that’s all! Don’t worry babe, you’re the only one for me now” you assure him, giving him a peck on the cheek. “Awwww” Ashton coos. Moments later, the twitter feed is blown up with fan’s tweets, saying how much they ship you and Calum and basically trying to make Calum feel secure again. You breathe a sigh of relief when you see Calum’s face lighten up. Drama averted, back to Stephen King.

Luke: You and Luke are strolling down the sidewalk, just having a walk through the city. It’s a nice day out, sunny, warm…… “Luke! Luke! Omg omg, can I have an autograph?” Of course, fans. You’ve wondered how long it would take before someone recognised Luke or you, but Luke being a sweetheart, smiles and agrees to sign the girls’s shirt. “Will you sign it too?” one of the two girls asks you, which surprises you slightly.”You and Luke make a really good couple!” the first one say. “Thanks” you smile at her, waving the pen across her shirt with flourish. “Not as good as you and Taylor Lautner though” the second girl chuckles, before they both rush away. “Taylor Lautner?” Luke echoes, raising his eyebrows. “I used to have a thing for him. He was my first real celebrity crush” you explain, waving him off, thinking not much of it. Luke however, goes rigid, sticking his hands in his pockets and hunching his shoulders instead of holding your hand again. He can get a little sensitive and protective about you, he obviously didn’t like hearing you and Taylor would make a better couple. “Hey, come on babe! Don’t be like that! I ship us more than anyone else. Come on, give me a smile” you beg, sticking out your bottom lip and pulling funny faces until he finally cracks. “Fine. But if we see Taylor around, i’m telling him to keep his grubby paws off my girl” he remarks with a self assured nod. You say nothing, simply cuddling closer to your boyfriend, whom you love a lot more than Taylor Lautner or any other Hollywood movie star.

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