63. Your child wets the bed

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Ashton: You and Ashton were asleep when you heard little sobs from your daughters bedroom. Ashton knew you had a hard day so he got up and went to your daughter Sophie room. He walked in and turned on the light and he saw your daughter sitting at the edge of her bed looking down crying. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" Ashton said walking up to her and kneeling down. She looked away and kept crying. He looked at the bed and noticed a wet spot. Your daughter was 2 year old and she was being potty trained. "Aw, Sophie you were doing so good. What happened?" Ashton said and picked her up and walked her to the bathroom. "I-I had a bad dream and I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time." She said wiping her tears and Ashton sat her down and ran some bath water. "It's okay Sweetie, you just got to get up in time okay. Daddy's not mad and mommy wont be either." Ashton said and she nodded. "You gotta keep trying okay?" He said and she nodded and he gave her a bath.

Calum: "Daddy.. Daddy.. Daddy?" Your son Logan said hitting Calum's arm trying to get him to wake up. "What.. Logan, it's 4 in the morning." Calum said fluttering his eyes open looking at his son. "Daddy, I gotta show you something." Logan said and Calum got up and followed him to his room and seen his sheets wet. "Aw little man you wet the bed?" Calum asked and started to take the sheets off of his bed. "I'm never gonna be potty trained" Logan said and pouted and crossed his arms. "Aw Logan don't give up. You've been doing good for a while now. Your gonna be potty trained in no time" Calum said walking over to Logan and kneeling down. "Really daddy?" Logan asked and Calum nodded. "Of course" Calum said and your son smiled. "Now we gotta wash your sheets, put on some new ones and you need to take a bath." Calum said and Logan nodded.

Luke: "L-Luke, J-Justin is crying" You said hitting Luke's side. "Do I have to get him." Luke said his voice cracking. "Yes, please." You said and he sighed and got up and went to Justin's room. He walked in and looked around. "J-Justin. Where are you?"Luke said sighing and walked into the closet and saw Justin crying. "Justin why are you crying?" Luke asked him. "I didn't mean to daddy your gonna be mad at me." Justin said wiping his tears away looking up at his father. "What you do?" Luke asked him. "I-I wet the bed. I'm sorry" Justin said and Luke sighed. "Justin.. I'm not mad at you. You're still learning. Soon you'll stop." Luke said and Justin nodded. "Daddy, your not mad at me?" Justin asked. "No, I'm not. Come on. Let's change your sheets" Luke said and went to change his sheets.

Michael: "Dada!!" Your little daughter Isabella called running to his room. "Can I help you write one of your songs. Pwease!" She begged and he smiled. "Sure" He said sitting down his song notebook and picking her up noticing she was wet. "Why are you wet- Issy.. Did you wet yourself?" Michael asked and she looked down. "Maybe.."She said and looked down. "Isabella. Why didn't you tell anyone?" Michael asked and picked her up and walked to the room. "I was embarrassed daddy." She said looking at him and touching his hair. He sat her down. "You gotta be honest with me and mommy, okay?" Michael said and she pouted but nodded. "Now go tell mommy okay?" Michael said and kissed her cheek and she smiled and went to go tell you.

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