38. He says i love you for the first time

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Michael: “I won!” You yell, leaping off the couch. “I won!” You toss your remote down and jump onto the coffee table, dancing in circles. “I BEAT MICHAEL CLIFFORD!” You bellow, raising your arms in triumph. You hold your arms up, taking in the imaginary cheers of a crowd. “Thank you! Thank you!” You shout, waving to no one. You look down to see Michael laughing despite himself. You leap off the table to the couch and sit yourself down beside Michael, smiling at him proudly. “I let you win,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Oh, don’t give me that, Clifford,” you scoff, “I won fair and square.” Michael rolls his eyes again and you lean towards him, putting your hands on his chest and your face inches from his. “Admit it,” you whisper, “Admit I won fair and square.” “You won fair and square,” Michael murmurs back, subconsciously leaning toward your lips. “YES!” You shout triumphantly, jumping off the couch again. You run to the door, pulling it open and rushing into the street. “I BEAT MICHAEL CLIFFORD!” You yelled to the neighborhood. You hear Michael chuckling and turn around to see him watching you, shaking his head. “Michael!” You say excitedly, rushing toward him. “Michael, remember that time I beat you?” You giggle. “Yeah, I remember,” Michael laughs. You see a man walking his dog down the road and take off towards him. “Hey!” You shout, “Did you know I just beat this guy at Mario Kart for the first time ever?” You point back at Michael as he hurries up to you, laughing. “Sorry, she’s a bit excited,” Michael apologizes, pulling you into his arms and carrying you away. “I WON!” You yell out again as he holds you tightly against his chest. “It feels good to win,” you state, grinning widely up at him. “I love you,” Michael laughs, shaking his head. Your eyes widen and Michael’s do, too as he realizes what he said. “I mean, uh, I mean,” Michael begins to stutter. You stop him by pressing your lips to his. He starts to kiss back, but you pull away, looking up at him. “I love you, too,” you sigh contentedly. He kisses you again, smiling into it as you giggle.

Calum: You cling tightly to Calum’s shirt, knowing that once you let go he’ll be gone. You try to hide your face in his chest, but you know that your tears are soaking his shirt. “It’s only five months,” he sighs, although you know he is reminding himself as much as you. “I’ll be back before you know it,” he whispers. You feel his chest shake and can tell he’s crying, too. You refuse to look up, knowing that seeing him crying will make it worse. Instead you hug him tighter, breathing in his scent and trying to memorize it. You let out a shaky sob and he rubs your back. “Now you’re making me cry,” he says with a watery laugh. “Sorry,” you mumble, finally looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. He smiles at you sadly, removing his hands from the small of your back to cup your face. “Please stop crying,” he mumbles, wiping tears from your cheeks with his thumbs. “Please,” he adds, biting his lip to keep himself from crying again. He blinks back tears and you look down as more tears pool in your own eyes. “I’m gonna miss you,” you choke out as the tears start to fall again. “Not as much as I’ll miss you,” Calum sighs, wrapping his arms around your body again. “Cal, we gotta go,” you hear Michael call, nodding towards the area where his flight was boarding. “Be right there!” Calum shouts back. “I gotta go,” Calum says to you, his bottom lip trembling slightly. You nod, unable to speak. “Bye,” Calum sighs, removing his arms from your body and picking up his bags. He turns away, walking to meet the boys. You watch sadly as Ashton pats Calum’s shoulder consolingly. Calum turns back and you wave, smiling sadly. You’re surprised to see him drop his bags and hurry back towards you. You stay rooted to the spot until he picks you up, kissing you hard. After a few moments he sets you down and looks at you seriously. “I love you,” he admits, “I didn’t wanna leave without you knowing that.” “I love you, too,” you burst out in fresh tears, cupping his face as he kisses you passionately. You pull away slowly and unwillingly. “I love you,” Calum says again, wiping tears form his cheeks, but smiling. “I love you,” you repeat, laughing. “Good,” Calum says with a nod, “Then five months will seem like nothing.” You nod, wanting to believe him, and he turns around, walking back to the boys. He turns one last time and you wave, laughing as he blows a kiss back to you.

Ashton: “MAYBE I SHOULD JUST GO THEN!” You threaten, motioning to the door. “MAYBE YOU SHOULD!” Ashton agrees. You close your mouth tightly and nod as tears sting your eyes. “At least we can agree on one thing then,” you sigh, refusing to let your tears fall. Ashton’s eyes widen as he realizes what you just agreed on. “Wait,” he mumbles, reaching out toward you. You shake your head, stepping out of his reach. “I deserve better,” you say more to yourself than to Ashton, “I deserve to be with someone who wants to be with me.” “I do want to be with you,” Ashton sighs, stepping closer to you. “Don’t you dare tell me you want to be with me!” You shout, tears flowing freely now, “Don’t you dare! After everything you’ve said to me you’re gonna tell me you want me here?!” You turn away, trying to hide your tear-stained, puffy face. “I was wrong,” Ashton admits, “I was - I was scared.” “Oh, please,” you scoff, rolling your eyes, “Scared of what Ashton? Please share.” Ashton steps toward you slowly, tears pooling in his eyes. “I was scared of - of needing someone,” he whispers. You roll your eyes, not believing him. “I was scared of letting you in,” he adds. “You’re making this up,” you state, frowning. “You’re all talk, Ashton! You always say the right thing, but you never mean it!” You point out, your voice rising again. “I do mean it!” He yells back. “I can’t deal with this anymore,” you say, shaking your head. “You say you want me, then you act like you don’t! You can’t keep doing this to me!” You move toward the door, unlocking it and throwing it open. You move to leave when Ashton calls out, “I love you!” You freeze, turning back to Ashton. “No you don’t,” you sigh. “Yes I do,” Ashton argues, “I love you so much and it scares me like nothing else! I’m scared of hurting you or losing you and by trying to prevent that I’ve done both and I - I’m scared of needing you, but I do need you! Because I love you!” You open your mouth to speak, but can’t find any words. “Don’t tell me you don’t love me back,” Ashton pleads. “Of course I love you, but -” You’re cut off by Ashton’s lips on yours. “That’s all that matters,” he insists, kissing you again. “I love you,” you sigh into his mouth, kissing back.

Luke: You sit in Luke’s bunk, the only light coming from his laptop. “I have to show you my favorite song right now!” You whisper excitedly, typing ‘Soldier - Before You Exit’ and pulling up a video. You put one headphone in your ear and one in Luke’s and listen. As the song plays, Luke finds your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours and using his other hand to trace circles on your legs. You smile up at him and he kisses your nose. “My turn,” Luke whispers when the song ends. He reaches over, typing ‘I’m Lost Without You - Blink 182’ “Luke, I know this song,” you point out as he clicks on a video. “I know,” Luke admits, putting his arm around you and pulling you against his chest, “But it reminds me of you.” You smile and kiss him gently. Luke looks down at you and the corners of his mouth twitch into a smile. “What?” You ask, growing insecure. “Nothing,” Luke says, not very convincingly. “Okay,” you say skeptically. You rest your head on his chest and he runs his fingers up and down your back until you close your eyes. “Luke,” you whisper, “This is a really great song.” “I know,” Luke says, smiling. “Sing it to me?” You ask, hopefully. “The guys are sleeping,” Luke points out. You think for a moment and then say, “Whisper it to me?” You look up at him and he laughs, clicking the restart button on the song. He begins to whisper along to the song and you smile, shutting your eyes and listening to him as you feel his heart beat with yours. You smile up at him and he starts to laugh, making you laugh as well. You kiss him, giving him a reason to stop whispering the lyrics. He kisses back gently before pulling away. “Hey, Y/n,” he whispers. “Hey, Luke,” you reply. “I love you,” he admits. “What? Sorry I didn’t catch that,” you lie, smirking at him. “I love you,” he says a little louder. You smile widely, and he does, too. “I love you, too,” you respond. You shut the laptop and push it to the foot of the bunk. leaving you and Luke in complete darkness. “I love you,” Luke says again. Although you can’t see him. you can tell he’s grinning. You giggle softly, finding his lips and kissing him. “I love you,” you whisper against his lips, making his smile even wider.

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