101. He Catches You Smoking

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Ashton: The sand was underneath you, the waves crashed before you. You were content, surely Ashton would be asleep, it was an ungodly hour. Two in the morning and you were up, seeing the moon reflect against the lapping waves. You took another drag of your joint. Feeling yourself go light headed a bit, holding the smoke in your lungs, before exhaling. Watching the wisps of grey smoke curl into the night air, you sighed. You were stressed, school was crushing down on you like a weight. Ashton knew what was wrong, so he had brought you up to a cottage not far from where you lived. He knew that it would relax you, taking your mind off the growing number of assignments that bogged you down, or the midterms that were right around the corner. This place had relaxed you, but you wanted to feel completely liberated. The joint now twirling between your fingers did an even better job. You didn't know how he would react to it, so you had kept it a secret, deciding that this beautiful night was the best to relax on. You weren't even tired, either a side effect of the drugs or maybe it was the fresh air clearing your head. You were so engrossed in your own thoughts that you didn't hear the footsteps behind you, but only realizing you weren't alone when you saw Ashton lean against the balcony beside you. "I thought I'd find you out here." He said, his voice slightly rough with sleep. "I didn't think I'd see you with this though." He said nodding towards the burning joint in your hand. You smiled slightly, still coherent. "It's nothing, just a bit of a break you know?" You said, putting the tip to your lips and taking a drag. He watched you with intent eyes, watching as the joint lit a little brighter at the end, how you held the smoke until you finally let it out, it curling in front of you. "Are you angry?" You breathed out, your voice disappearing into the waves. "Angry? Never. Just surprised thats all." You rolled it between your fingers. "Have you ever tried it?" You said, lifting your heavy lidded gaze to him. He smiled a bit, the corners of his mouth quirking up. "I haven't," He said, his voice a little cautious. "Would you ever?" You said, the taste lingering in your mouth. He thought for a moment as you ashed over the balconies edge, disappearing into the millions of sand particles. "Maybe," He said finally. "What's it like?" You smiled into the darkness. "It depends. Really, I just get super relaxed. Nothings serious you know? Everything's heightened. Things taste better, feel better. It's interesting really." You said, staring at the tightly rolled weed. "Can I take a hit?" He said. "Really? Catching me smoking isn't a turn off?" You said, passing him the joint. He looked at it for a bit before bringing to his lips and inhaling. He held it for a bit before exhaling, coughing suddenly. "It's your first time, it's normal." You said taking the blunt away from him. He shook his head, before facing you. "It doesn't turn me off, I want to try it, just never had the right time. You know, its really not that bad." He said turning back towards the water. You smiled, taking a hit, surprised at how well he took you smoking, especially weed. "You know, if things are heightened like feeling...would you be up for trying something?" He said to you, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. You smiled coyly back at him, taking one last hit before crushing the rest on the ground, eliminating the flame. "I may know another stress reliever," He said, pulling you against him, kissing you under the moonlight. 

Calum: "I thought you were quitting?" You jumped slightly to see Calum behind you, his arms crossed over his chest. You were standing in the ally behind your flat, a cigarette balanced between your fingers. "It's harder than it looks." You said, staring at the burning embers. "You're killing yourself, you know." He said, coming to stand beside you. "I could be doing worse things." You said, taking another drag, sating that burning desire inside of you. "It has to be better then what I was doing before." You said, fiddling with the filter at the end. You had a rough past, and Calum knew that. Drug and alcohol abuse, self harm, a life full of depression and doubt. But meeting Calum had helped, you tossed those nasty habits to the side, the only one left was what was in your hand. "Touché," He whispered, remembering the broken you he had found a few months ago. "Why do you do it?" He said softly. "Besides the addiction, I'm not sure. It's the last thing from my past. I guess I'm just speeding up the process." You said, taking another drag. "Whats not to love about hard nicotine, tar and countless other chemicals lingering in my lungs, bogging them up and ultimately making me succumb to its darkness?" You had a darker outlook on life. He shook his head, unfazed by your dark perspective. "Quit for me." He said staring at the cigarette. "I've tried Calum, I really have. You saw me go about two weeks without one. I did it, but you really don't understand an addiction." You shook your head, your hair falling in your face. You took another drag, blowing the smoke out of your nose. "I do though, I'm addicted to you." He said honestly. You nearly choked on the smoke in your throat, before turning towards him. "Mine seems more deadly though, the addiction. Because if you kill yourself off one cigarette at a time that means that I stand the chance of loosing you. And what if theres no more of you to sate my burning desire? What happens then?" He said, his eyes burning with fierce passion. You were at a loss for words, you had of course confessed your love for each other before but this was different. "Calum..." You said, suddenly despising the burning bundle of addiction in between your fingers. The only thing that should be between your fingers were his fingers. You flicked the fag to the ground, stomping on it before sighing. "I'll try again, only because I love you." You said raising your eyes. "You promise?" He asked, holding out his pinky finger. "Promise." You said, linking yours with his before cracking a smile, the heavy weight of the lighter and pack of cigs in your pocket reminding you that love was stronger then what your past held.

Luke: "What are these?" Luke's voice echoed around the room. You looked up from your book to see him holding the carton of cigarettes you thought you had hid. You sighed, putting the book down and looking at him. "I think you know well enough what those are." He shook his head, his expression a mix of pain and anger. "I thought you had said you were going to quit. I thought you had stopped." You sighed, pushing yourself up further on the couch. "I tried Luke, you know at work I'm just surrounded by smoke, it's just so tempting. I usually only smoke at work." You said, suddenly feeling guilty. "You really don't care do you?" He asked, exhaling with a great force. "What do you mean?" He shook his head. "You don't get it, you're killing yourself every cigarette. Every inhale, you're bringing your death one hour closer. You don't get it, I can't live without you. I can't bear the thought of you killing yourself slowly. I was so proud when you quit, or said you did. (Y/N), please quit. For me, please?" You ran a hand through your hair, tugging at the ends. "Why do you do it?" He added, his voice soft. "Why do I smoke? I have since I was young, I think I started when I was eighteen or so? I just started, my ex got me into it. I couldn't stop though, after we broke up that is. Its a nasty habit, I know that. It's just something I've done for so long that I can't really see myself not." You shrugged your shoulders. "I'll help you quit. It's not good for you, not that I'm saying I don't love you any less, but it's not healthy." He twirled the pack of cigarettes in his hand, looking up at you. "You do look badass though," He said smirking slightly. "What?" You said a little taken aback. "When you lean against the wall outside, the cig between your fingers and you exhale the smoke, I have to admit, you're pretty hot when you do that. Not that I'm encouraging it but you look badass, like one of those models for alternative clothing or something." You could tell he was embarrassed by admitting that, especially after he had just lectured you to quit. You studied his face, he cared. Obviously, he wanted to see you healthy, and not destined to have cancer or ultimately death face you at a young age. You sighed, already craving another cig. "I'll try and quit, for you." You said. He looked up at you, his eyes suddenly optimistic. "Really? You're going to trash the habit?" He said, his hands suddenly stopped playing with the carton. "One more, so you can see how badass I am, and then I'm done. I'll get the patch or whatever, the gum. Whatever it is that'll help with the cravings. For you," You said. He smiled, standing up, handing you the pack before grabbing the lighter off of the coffee table and outstretching his hand. You took it, walking for your last cigarette. 

Michael: Michael was at an interview with the band and this was your chance to finally roll a blunt and smoke. You had craved the release, the relaxation, but you didn't want to smoke in front of Michael, for fear of his reaction. You took the box out that you had so carefully hid and began to roll. Finally, after it was done, you went outside to the balcony where you light the end, pulling the smoke through the joint before exhaling. You sighed in content, before leaning against the railing and closing your eyes, taking another hit. "What the hell are you smoking?" Your eyes flew open, seeing Michael leaning against the door jam looking at you. There was no point in lying to him, so you took another hit, his eyes watching your every action. "What does it look like?" You said, smiling lazily at him. "When did you start smoking weed?" He asked, eyeing the joint in your hand. You shrugged your shoulders, crossing your arms over you chest. "I while ago, I just never thought to tell you about it." You said taking another hit, your secret out in the open. You held your breath, exhaling and watching the smoke curl into the air. "Are you afraid to tell me?" He asked, you lifted your gaze to look at him, the high beginning to take effect. You pondered it for a bit, before looking back at him, your eyelids suddenly heavy. "Not necessarily afraid to tell you, more of the thought that you'd think I was gross because I smoked. Especially since weed is illegal..." You couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips. He shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. "I'm not grossed out, it's better then cigarettes. I'm just surprised, you don't seem like the type to smoke anything really. How often do you do it?" You smiled, relaxing a bit seeing as Michael didn't flip over the fact that you smoked. "I don't do it very often, more so when you're not around." You shrugged, ashing on the deck. "You know you don't have to hide anything from me, if you want to smoke go for it, just don't let it take over your life." You laughed a bit. "It's not addictive Michael," You said making him smile. "I know, I just don't want it becoming a priority, just do it like you have but you don't have to sneak around anymore. I grew up with people who smoked, I know what weed is." He said winking, leaving you wondering if he had in fact ever tried it.

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