62. You get annoyed at him

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Luke: You hear the front door open and Luke’s heavy footsteps thumping into the living room. You are picking up your keys, gritting your teeth in annoyance. “Hey babe, i’m back! Oh, where are you going?” he asks. “To my best friend’s gallery opening, like i told you i would every day for the last week” you remark with a biting tone. You are so fed up with Luke never listening or taking notice of things. It’s always about him. “Oh right…. Was I meant to come?” he inquires further. You have to remember to keep breathing evenly and refrain for slapping his face. “You were suppose to, but since apparently you can’t be assed to even make notice of it in your oh-so-busy calendar, I’d rather go alone anways” you growl. “Aw, babe, don’t be like that! I’m sorry, ok? I’ve just been busy lately!” he defends himself. “Whatever, Luke. Don’t wait up” you tell him, tired of his excuses, brushing past him to the door. His hand grabs onto your arm, pulling you back to him, staring at you with his brilliantly blue eyes. “Hey, I’m sorry for forgetting, alright? i’ll go get dressed and i’ll come ok? I’ll even buy you ice cream afterwards” he smiles irresistably. How can you stay mad at that cutie? You smile back, waiting for Luke to get changed, wondering what flavour ice cream you shoud get

Michael: You can barely spot the floor beneath all of Michael’s dirty socks and old shirts and empty crisps packets. You burst into the gaming room, sure enough, finding him playing on the xbox. “This place is a pig sty!” you announce with disgust. You’ve had a long, hard day of work, and you are sick to death of Michel’s messy habits and him being such a slouch. “Relax, i’ll clean it up later” he replies coolly, not taking his eyes off the screen. “Can you maybe pay attention to me for like seconds? All you care about is that good damn video game of yours!” you shout, feeling your already frayed patience sever. “What do you want from me, (y/n)! We can’t all be as OCD as you!” he snaps back, to which you gasp slightly, feeling quite offended. What’s wrong with wanting some cleanliness in this house for a change? You are done with this, so stomp out of the room and go get some well deserved pizza. When you come back home, you can actually recognise carpet. In fact, all of the rubbish and unwashed clothes have been cleared away and candles have been set up everywhere. “Hey. Sorry about before, babe. I cleaned up” you hear Michael’s husky tone through the darkness. You smile, ready to kiss and make up with him.

Ashton: 1:23 a.m ,1:46 a.m., 2:17 a.m. Ashton still isn’t home. You keep picturing him lying somewhere helplessly in a ditch, covered in blood and shards. 2:38. Where is he? 2:52. The door finally creaks open and you hear him tiptoe in. You switch on the bedside lamp, clearly starling him. “Hey, why are you still awake?” he asks quietly and in surprise. “I’ve been waiting all night for you! You had me worried sick!” “Practice with the band ran late” he explains casually. “You couldn’t have called? Honestly Ash, you spend all your time with those boys! You’re never even home anymore! Or are you just avoiding me?” you accuse him. “No! That’s not even true!” he responds, sounding shocked you’d think that. “Have you done something? Cheated with someone or something like that, coz you’ve been acting so distant lately. Just tell me!” you shout, bracing yourself for the impact. “(Y/m), no! It’s nothing like that! It’s just, i forget how fast time goes when i’m with the boys barbecue we have so much fun, just like when you and i are together! I’m sorry, i’ll try and make more time for us” he promises, crawling onto the bed. “Cuddle?” he asks, making big, puppy dog eyes, You are still mad, but aren’t immune against his adorableness, so you let him cuddle you and fall asleep happily in his arms.

Calum: "Calum, have you seen my rainbow, chocolate chip cookies, the really nice ones i bought specially from…." you stop mid sentence, laying eyes on the empty wrapper on his floor and his guilty look, crumbs all over his face. "You ate them ALL? CALUM!" you exclaim in irritation. "Those where my favourite, they were really expensive! Why must you eat EVERYTHING in sight?" "I was hungry…." he says meekly. "Calum honestly! I was looking forward to those! Ugh!" you cry out, slamming your door loudly. You are hormonal and have the worst cramps, now is NOT the time to mess with you, and even small things like Calum eating your cookies made you want to burst out in tears. About a half hours later, a small knock sounds on your door. "What?" you bark. Calum enters, a careful, innocent look on his face. "I got you something" he says, cautiously laying a shopping bag next to your bed. You glare at him, peeking inside. Calum has gone out and bought you four packets of your favourite cookies, plus your ultimate ice cream choice and some more chocolate for back up. "Sorry?"he murmurs, making a pouty face. "Come here you goof, and help me eat some of these" you grin, patting the space next to you. Calum’s apologetic face erupts into a broad, happy smile, as you two devour your treats and watch bad reality tv shows together.

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