107. He cheated on you (with a twist) part 3

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Calum: You never got over Calum. Even 6 years had passed, he's still the one. You still love him for Pete's sake! You bite your lip and closed your eyes as you let tears stream down your eyes. You wished that Calum ran after you at the park, but there's no Calum yelling your name and running after you. You lie awake and looked at Kaleigh who is sleeping soundly at your side. "Daddy!" you heard Kaleigh sleep-talked. You don't know why but you cried silently. You suddenly heard footsteps down the hall and you got a little bit nervous. "I locked all the doors. Who could that be?" you said to yourself as you got up from bed. You took the baseball bat under your bed and silently walked down the hall. "Fuck." You said silently as you feel your heart race. You reached the place where the source of sound was coming. You see a lean, dark, tall figure. "It's now or never Y/N" you said to yourself and took a deep breath. "You messed with the wrong house you mother fucker!" you yelled and started hitting the guy with the baseball bat. "Ow- ow- owch!" it yelped in pain "FEEL THE PAIN YOU ASSHOLE!" then you kind off hitted him on the head. You opened the lights and saw that it was Calum. "Oh shit! Calum?" you tried to wake him up, but he's not moving. "Shit! Don't play games with me Hood!" you said sounding a bit annoyed but he's still not moving. "Oh crap." You said and dialled Sheila. She picked up right away, you were panting. "So how.... Ewwww get away from the phone! Yuck. Y/N! What the hell? You don't need to tell me that you and Calum re having sex!" she yelled over the phone. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! WHAT SEX?! YOU DIRTY LITTLE SLUT." You yelled as you steadied your breathing pace. "Calum is here, unconscious." You said to her. "What?! What Happened?!" she asked. "I hitted him with a bat, mistaking that he was a burglar. I mean he got in MY HOUSE in the middle of the night and I don't even know he is coming." You said to her. "Oops. I gave Calum the spare key I have. He wants to surprise you." "Shit. It's your fault Sheila!" you yelled to her. "Okay, okay I'm coming over." She said then hung up. Sheila came and you both carried Calum's heavy body to her car. Kaleigh woked up because of the fuzz and Sheila speed up to the hospital. He was in the emergency room and tended by the doctors. You called the other boys telling them what happened to Calum. "He's fine now, he just needs to rest." The doctor said and left. He was put to a private suit and you stayed there and never left his side. Kaleigh was with Sheila, they went home. The next morning, Calum woked up seeing you beside his bed; sleeping. He tried moving his hand so he could hug you but you woke up. "Calum... I'm so sorry." You said sobbing to him. "Shhhh... It's fine. I actually deserve what you did." He said and kissed your temple. "I love you, still." You said and kissed him. The door suddenly opened and the boys came inside with Sheila and Kaleigh. Everything went fine with you two. You both got married after the trip to the hospital ;)

Luke: "What's wrong with you Y/N?" he looks at you angry. "I'm done with here." You said and walked away. God, like what the hell? Luke followed you, still mad at you. "Y/N!" he yelled at you but you still kept walking. You can't believe that he's dating that beyotch and it's like you are the wrong one here. "WHAT?!" You finally turned to him. "Why are you being mean to Alana?" He asked pissed to you. "It's been 4 years Y/N! Get over it. Plus you've got a son now. Be a good example to your child." He said. "Look who's talking! You really believe to what that beyotch say huh? Wow Luke I've never seen you so dumb before." You said to him and flare your arms up. "God! Be a good example to your fucking son Luke, just this once!" you screamed at him. "What?" he asked. "Nothing." You said and started to walk away. He chased you and grabbed our arm. "What the hell Luke?" you said trying to let go of his grasp. You looked at him and broke down. "Yeah, it's been four years... I should get over you. But how Luke? How? How can I move on when we have a child! And that child who ACCIDENTALLY spilled coffee on the so-out-of-the-season dress of your fucking girlfriend is our son! OUR SON! Now can you tell me if how can i move on, cause four years ago I'm so desperate to move on from you LUKE HEMMINGS!" you yelled to him as tears falls down your face. You got back to the tent and picked your things up. You went to your car and cried. Luke just stood there shocked. Cara walked up to him and bitch-slapped him. "That's for hurting my bestfriend." She said and slapped him again. "That's for believing that slut of yours!" "She almost die giving birth to Landon, Luke! While you are at somewhere hooking up with different girls, having fun!" she said and her voice cracked. "I've seen how she strives for Landon. Her parents disowned her because of you and Landon. They wanted her to abort the child but she stood up infront of them and left them. She sacrificed everything Luke. Infact, there's a lot of guys there who are willing to marry her and adopt Landon, good and rich guys. But what?! She stayed a single-parent because she's hoping that one day you'll find the way back to her arms again." She said as tears streamed down her face. "If you have the guts to talk to her or you want to see your son. Here's her address." Cara said and handed him a piece of paper. She started to walk away the she turned again, "Grow out some balls and be a fucking man, Luke." She said and walked away. You came home exhausted, it was a fucking day for you. Landon was up in his room asleep. You sat on the couch when you heard a knock. You opened it and you saw Luke with red puffy eyes. You closed the door behind you. "What brings you here?" you asked him. He just hugged you and cried at your shoulder. "I'm so sorry for hurting you Y/N. I'm so sorry. I love you and it never change. I'm so sorry for being a dick. I'm so sorry for everything. Take me back please?" he said between sobs. You hugged him tight in response. Finally, he found his way back to your arms, like you've been dreaming off the past 4 years.

Michael: "Yeah... She's with me." You said over to Mindy. Then you looked at Mackenzie only finding out that she's missing. "Fuck!" you said under your breath. You hanged up to Mindy and you started to find your daughter. "Mackenzie!" you tried but no response. "Uhm, excuse me have you seen my daughter, this tall with blonde hair draping over her shoulders?" you asked to some people passing by, even the sales ladies didn't noticed her. Then you saw Mackenzie with Michael and Calum. "Shit." You said to yourself. "Mackenzie!" you yelled and she turned around, "MOMMY!" she said running to you. "Baby, you scared the crap out of me." You said and hugged her so tight."Mommy, there's daddy!" she said enthusiastically to you as she grabbed your hand and you both went to Michael. "Hey Y/N" Calum said "Hey." You said and looked at Michael who's looking at you. "Uhm, baby. You want toys?" Calum said and Mackenzie nodded. "Let's go there and I'll bu you a toy okay? Mommy and Daddy needs to talk." He said and she went with Calum. "Do you have any plans on telling me about her?" he asked at you. "Nope.." you said and bite your lip. "What the hell Y/N?! I'm the father!!" he yelled at you. "Why? Did you have any plans on telling me that you are fucking cheating on me Michael?!" you countered to him. "I just met your sister a little bit earlier and she fucking told me everything!" he yelled at you. "Do you think that would change anything hell everything between us Michael?" you asked him. "Do you wanna see our daughter suffer having a broken family Y/N? You've suffered much, don't let Mackenzie suffer this time. We can fix this" he said to you. You still love Michael and you hate it when he sounds right. "I still love you for Pete's sake!" he half yelled and you kissed him dearly. You really missed this one of a hell dumbass. "I'm so sorry." He said to you as you broke down on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry." He said again while soothing your back and kissed your temple. After a few days, he oved on again with you and you both got married in small intimate wedding.

Ashton: "Step away from my Man!" she yelled at you. "You can have him whore, since you like left-overs." You said and smiled at her. She got offended and she pulled your hair and you just realized that you are both on a cat fight. "Let go of me you bitch!" you yelled at her. "Let go of my man!" she said and still tugging your hair. "Get away from my mom you witch!" your son Aiden said pulling the bitch away from you. She pushed Aiden and he hit his head against the wall. Since then, you're motherly instinct kicked you. "That's what you get from interrupting." She said to your son. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR HURTING MY SON!" you said to her and punched her face. She was lying unconscious on the floor. "You've got a son?" Ashton asked you and looked at you with disgust. "It's your fucking son too Ashton." You said and picked Aiden up and walked away from Ashton. Everyone was looking at you because you hair is all messed up and your lipstick are smudged and you look haggard. You brought Aiden home and tend him. You heard a knock and you went downstairs to check. It was Ashton. "What do you want?" you asked him. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked you. "I was about to..." you trailed off he looked at you waiting for your answer. "but you decided to cheat on me you fucking asshole." You said and started to cry. He hugged you and tried to comfort you. You missed being in his arms. You miss his lips planting soft kisses on you. You missed everything about him. You can't believe that you survived being without him for seven fucking years. You both cuddled on the couch and you are happy that finally your family is complete now. You both got married and Aiden was the ring bearer. You are now a Happy, pregnant Mrs. Irwin ;)

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