67. when you have a kid/kids together but you aren't together any more

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MICHAEL: It’s been four years since the divorce, and the scars still haven’t healed. Every time you meet with your ex-husband Michael to take/give your child, you still feel your stomach churning and acid burning the back of your throat. After you had your guys’ baby he was going through a rough time at work and had fell into the sexual temptation of his secretary. He put you up on this pedestal, only to bring not only you down, but your newborn baby as well. 

"HEY BUDDY!" Your glare breaks at the sound of his voice when your son runs into his fathers arms. Michael seems rather off today, and you can’t put your finger on it. "Hey (Y/N), how’s everything?" He asks, supporting little Lucas on his hip. "It’s all the same. You know, sleep, work, eat and do it all over again." You admit with a sigh, as you kiss Luke and whisper, "Mommy will see you in two days pumpkin, okay? I love you, so so so much." You attack your baby with kisses, and he gasps, just like his father would. You smile as Michael straps him in the backseat of his car. Normally, Michael would hop in the front seat and drive away…but not this time.

He approaches you, getting dangerously close to your face. You take a step back in alarm, “W-What do you want, Michael?” He bites back his bottom lip and tears form in his eyes, “Holy shit…I can’t believe I’m doing this right now but I need to. It’s been four years since I made the biggest mistake of my life. W-When I lost you, you took all of me with you. W-What I’m t-trying to say is that I’ve been trying to tell you how I feel every time we meet but I can never seem to form words because of how badly I hurt you. You and Lucas are my world, (Y/N). Whenever he’s with me at our old house, I cuddle him to sleep to fill the void of missing you. What I’m asking for…what I’m asking for is another chance. I know I waited so long to ask you, but it was because I’m afraid of rejection. I’m afraid of having my heart sma-.” You cut him off, “You would deserve it, Michael. How do you think I feel every night without Lucas beside me? I miss you too. Always. I miss the way you would wake up early to make me breakfast, I miss cuddling with you on the couch and playing video games with our son. I miss-.”

You feel a sob caught in your throat as you whimper, “Y-You know, maybe I never let you go because in the back of my mind I still believed that someday, we would get our second chance.”  You feel his hands brush against your skin, his cold fingertips running along your cheek bones. His lips crash into yours greedily, passion and love pouring into every move he made. Your tears are sliding with his as they land between your lips. He pulls away, and whispers against your lips gratefully, “When a woman gives a guy a second chance, she’s a keeper. But now, (Y/N), I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you why you should keep me.” 

ASHTON: "How come daddy doesn’t come to the park with us early?" Your youngest child, Lily asks, wiggling her nose in curiosity just like her father does. You pat her head, "Because he has work today sweetheart, now go play on the swings with Isabella.  You two be careful." You warn them as they run off to the swings and you sit on a bench nearby, waiting for Ashton. He always gives you a set time for pick-up, but you know it’s always two hours later than the actual time. You watch your two girls with dirty blonde curls swinging back and forth, giggling innocently.

They don’t have any idea that there parents are divorced because they fell out of love. Your two precious girls don’t have the slightest clue that their parents let their love life crumble into nothing but fights and screaming wars over pressure on paying bills on time, along with nonsensical jealousy. 

"Hey, (Y/N)." You jolt a little, seeing Ashton sliding into the seat beside you. "You’re early, that’s-." He cuts you off, "I took the day off today. I wanted to see my three princess’s." Your throat goes dry at the realization of what he used to say…

He’d open the door when he came home from work, shouting, “HOW ARE MY THREE PRINCESS’S DOING?! WHERE’S KISSES FOR DADDY?” You’d hear the pounding of four feet echo the house while you’d watch Lilly and Isabella jump into his arms while he attacked them in kisses.

"Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry (Y/N), I didn’t mean to-." You intervene, "It’s fine, I know you didn’t mean it." He scoffs, "No, I meant it." Your heart races in your chest as you feel Ash’s knee against yours. He’s staring into your eyes, trying to get an emotional hold on you. "C-Can you look at me, please?" He begs, his voice cracking "I-It breaks my heart knowing you can’t even look me in the eyes anymore."  You swallow the lump in your throat, as he sighs, "(Y/N), I miss you. I know it’s almost been a year but I can’t help but think we made a huge mistake." You shake your head, "I can’t believe you’re doing this in public Ashton. We got a divorce because we couldn’t stop fighting, because you couldn’t handle me texting my manager when I was off work hours to help him finish his outlines. You had nothing to worry about, I was hopelessly in love with you-." He shakes his head, rudely interrupting you, "You still are." 

You bite back your bottom lip, tears brimming your eyes, “I am not.” He stands up, and you see Isabella and Lilly in their own world out of the corner of your eye, swinging back and forth, happiness radiating off of them.  ”Those two little girls are our world, (Y/N). Whether you want to admit it or not, we made those two miracles. We loved in order to do that. We have a bond between us that’ll never break and I’m standing here today, begging you to give me-give us-a second chance. Some people quit because of slow progress, never grasping the fact that slow progress is progress. We made progress, (Y/N).” He takes you by your hands, pulling you up from the bench. He smiles at you, tears in his eyes, “I-If it’s true, look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t love me anymore and I’ll never bring it up again.” 

And for once between the two of you, silence is golden.

Tears slide down your cheeks as you feel Ashton wrap his arms around you, tightly squeezing your waist. You feel four hands slapping at the both of your legs, and look down to see Isabella and Lily holding their arms out eagerly.

Ashton heaves the girls into his arms, and you laugh, realizing how happy they are when you’re all together. Ashton looks at you, bringing you into the family hug,”I don’t know what’s ahead of us, (Y/N). But what I do know is I want to face it all with you and our two girls. I want to work out our problems and…the minute we feel like giving up, we’ll remind each other our reasons of holding on for so long. I love you. I always have, and I always will.” 

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