52. Valentines Day

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Calum: "Babe? Babe are you awake? Happy Valentines Day! Babe?" you feel Calum nudging you in the early hours on February 14th. You reply with a vague grunt, trying to shift away from his bony finger poking you in the back. "Wake up, it’s Valentines Day! I need to show you how much I love you!" he persist, nuzzling closer to you and planting a small kiss on your cheek, hovering over you until you finally open your eyes reluctantly. His face breaks out with a massive grin when he sees you awake, barely able to contain his excitement. It’s very cute and endearing, but you wish he could’ve just waiting a few more hours with it. "Ok, ok, I’m up. Happy Valentines Day" you chuckle sleepily, pecking Calum’s cheek. "Get up, I have something really special planned!" he grins enthusiastically, already jumping out of bed and heading into the shower. Once you’ve finally made it out of the house, Calum drives you to his secret location, stopping the car in front of some sort of bakery. "Are we buying cake?" you ask, immediately perking up. If there is something in this world you can’t resist, it’s cake. Cupcakes, ice cream cake, chocolate, fruity….. Anything will do the trick. "Even better, we’re MAKING them!" Calum reveals with a beam. "Really?" you exclaim, to which Calum nods. You go into the bakery, where the baker is offering a special Valentines Day baking class to make red velvet cupcakes (one of your ultimate favourites). You and Calum have the best time, mixing ingredients, messing around, throwing flour at each other, sneakily eating half the batter raw….. It’s the best, most adorable way to celebrate Valentines Day, you think, and all you both do for the rest of the day is stay home, eat your cupcakes and watch movies, snuggled in each others arms.

Ashton: rays of the rising sun filter through your window, indicating it is the start of a new day. Not just any day either. Valentines Day. You love Valentines Day, the idea of a entire 24 hours dedicated purely to people showing their affection and love towards each other to you is the perfect way to spend a day. Of course, all the roses, chocolates and cheesy teddy bears don’t hurt either. You roll over, expecting to see your long term boyfriend, Ashton, lying in bed next to you. Except, he isn’t there. You bolt upright, filled with confusion and disappointment. Where has he gone off to? You listen out for noises in the kitchen or bathroom, but the house is silent. He really isn’t here. You get up, shuffling into the kitchen, just to check if he is hiding. All you find is a note on the counter. You pick it up, taking it out of it’s little pink envelope and reading it. Today we celebrate our love, it is Valentines Day, and I have only one thing to say. To hear what it is, you need to finish this quiz, follow the clues to the end where i’ll be, and a Valentines Day surprise you’ll see. It’s a scavenger hunt! you immediately realise, letting out a squeal of excitement. You quickly get dressed, then re-address the envelope. Your first clue is inserted alongside the letter. It takes you exactly 3 seconds to figure out where it wants you to go, as you jump into your car and drive to your first location. Ashton’s clues have you running all around the city and you never seem to run out of steam, a thrill constantly pumping through your system. After two whole hours, the final clue leads you to a tiny, yet beautiful park that you and Ashton love to visit, where you find your boyfriend sitting under the big oak tree, a gorgeous little picnic spread out on a red and white checkered blanket. Ashton is dressed in a red button up shirt and holding a dozen red roses, looking dashing and handsome as ever. “Oh my god, Ash!” you breathe in awe, rushing into his arms. “I can’t believe you did all this!” “I know it’s your favourite holiday and you deserve it. Happy Valentines Day, babe, I love you so much” he smiles down at you, warmth and true affection in his eyes. “Not as much as I love you.”

Luke: "Valentines Day is coming up, do you want to do anything special? Shall I book a table at a nice restaurant maybe?" Luke asks one afternoon. "Don’t bother, I don’t believe in Valentines Day" you dismiss him, not even looking up from your laptop. "What do you mean you don’t believe in it? What’s wrong with Valentines Day?" he asks, no doubt giving you puppy dog eyes from across the room. "It’s stupid. Just holiday made up by card companies to sell their shit. I don’t need some special day in the year telling me when I should tell my significant other that I like them" you retort. "Do you NOT like your significant other?" Luke asks, a note of panic in his voice that makes you finally look up at him. "Of course I do, Lukey. I just don’t do Valentines Day, that’s all" you sigh. "Okay then, less stress for me" he shrugs, going back to his phone. Your eyes linger on him for a while longer before returning to your laptop screen. The truth is you actually don’t mind Valentines Day at all, you just don’t know whether you’re comfortable enough in your relationship to do anything big and grand yet. You and Luke have only recently started dating, and even though you feel very deeply for him, you don’t want to put any pressure on him or freak him out. You told your best friend about this, who called you an idiot and advised you to just have fun, but your way is better, you decide. It always is. When Valentines Day finally comes around, it is torture. Watching all your friends swoon about their great gifts and romantic gestures given to them by their boyfriends whilst you are going empty handed kinda stings. You come home from school, ready to pig out on your favourite ice cream that you pre-bought in honour of tonight. You unlock your door just to find it’s already unlocked. Your heart races as your mind automatically assumes the worst. You grab an umbrella from the hallway, cautiously proceeding into the living room. Everything is dark and quiet. You can hear your rapid, shallow breathing and then, the light goes on and Luke jumps up from the couch yelling "SURPRISE!" You almost die there and then, your heart feeling as if it’ll never recover from this shock. "Luke! What the hell are you doing here?" you gasp, steadying yourself by leaning against the wall. "I talked to (y/f/n). I know alllll about your little lies. You luurrveee yourself some Valentines Day, don’t you?" he ask, wiggling his eyebrows and making stupid faces making you crack a light laugh. You are really embarrassed by this and curse your friend in your head silently. "Don’t look so panicked, babe! It’s fine! You could’ve just told me and I would’ve understood. If you want a chilled evening without all the uber-romantic stuff, we can do that! I got some movies, a bunch of candy and even a scented candle! We can have a cosy night in and eat our body weight in sugar!" Luke says, caressing your face with his hand, a smirk playing on his lips. "Really?" you ask. "Really. Happy not-too-seriously-taken Valentines Day" Luke smiles.

Michael: you love Michael Clifford. It’s a fact. He knows it, you know it, pretty much anyone who has ever met you knows it. Naturally, you’d assume that Valentines Day would be a fantastic time for you, seeing as you are in a committed relationship with a guy you care for more than anything else. Well, that assumption is wrong. Not that you don’t like Valentines Day, but Michael Clifford isn’t exactly what you’d call a romantic. Most romantic cues go over his head like sarcasm used on a five year old. It’s pointless. You could drag him to a fancy restaurant or the movies or something, but you’d just end up regretting it because Michael would TRY and suck it up for you but you would just feel guilty about forcing him into it. So this year, you set your expectations of Valentines Day accordingly low, expecting it to be like very other day as well. You do get a text message from Michael in the morning of the 14th, wishing you a happy Valentines Day and saying that he is sorry he can’t spend the day with you, but he is just too busy with the album and stuff. Figures. You proceed with your day, trying to cram the bitterness and disappointment of being the only lonely but not single person on the planet deep down and away. It’s just one stupid day, you remind yourself, trying to make yourself feel better. However, with all he stupid loved-up, happy bastards around you, parading around their expensive perfumes and jewellery from their loved ones around just feels rude. You end the day the way you started it, with pizza. It takes longer than usual to be delivered, but the door bell finally rings and you pay the delivery guy, taking your pizza box back into the living room to consume whilst watching the newest Pretty Little Liars episode. As you open the box, you are surprised to find it cut in a heart shape. Cute. Then, you notice writing on the top half of the box. “Look outside your door”. You get up, checking the door once again. On the mat is a box of four, heart shaped cupcakes with a note attached to them. They are from your favourite bakery, a really expensive, french one that is on the other side of town. Sorry I couldn’t be there tonight. Still love you though. Sorry if you had a crappy V-day, you know i’m not so good at being cheesy. Ha, get it? Cheesy? Because of the pizza? I promise i’ll make it up some other way (bow chicka wow wow f ya get what i’m sayin) ;) It isn’t a massive gesture of any sort, but it really touches you to see Michael make such an effort with a day you know he feels uncomfortable with. This is better than anything you could’ve gotten from a “romantic” boyfriend, because it is personal and it’s…. It’s just so Michael. It’s perfect.

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