108 . Your Favorite Thing About Him

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Ashton: You love Ashton's laugh. It's your favorite thing about him. Whenever you're feeling sad, Ashton always tries to tell you a joke. "Okay. Okay," Ashton said, smiling wide. "What do you-" Ashton began to giggle. "What does baby corn-" Ashton began to giggle even louder as he tried to tell you the joke. "What do you-" Ashton's giggles were so loud, you couldn't even figure out what he was trying to say. "Ashton! If you keep laughing you won't ever be able to finish the joke!" Your frown had been replaced by a smile. "Sorry," Ashton said, still giggling. "I love your laugh," you said before you pecked his lips. Ashton smiled back, "I love you."

Calum: As weird as it sounds, your favorite thing about Calum was his hugs. He's always hugging you; whether it's from behind as you both stand, on the couch as you watch a movie, or out of nowhere just because you want to hug. Even though his arms are crazy muscular, you love how they make you feel safe and happy. Most of all, you love when he hugs you from behind. Since he's taller than you, he usually puts his chin on your shoulder and whispers little sweet nothings into your ear or pecks your cheek.

Luke: You love Luke's lip ring. It brings out the part of you that secretly reads those bad boy stories on Wattpad. "UGH! You're doing it again Luke!" You exclaim, throwing a pillow at him from where you sat on the couch. "What thing?" He chuckles. "That thing with your teeth and mouth and the pulling of the lip ring," You fluster. "You know what thing!" Luke bites his lip, pulling the lip ring in between his teeth, "Don't know whatever you are talking about." As you groan and hide your face into a pillow, you see Luke smirk out of the corner of your eye. "You're a buttface," you remark, causing Luke to burst out laughing at your strange, but lovable antics.

Michael: You can't help but love Michael's hair. Probably because of the fact that his hair is better than your hair most of the time. While you have unruly, bushy curls that seem identical to those of Hermione Granger (the book ones- the movie one had perfect hair because Emma Watson is like almost flawless or something), Michael's hair is always perfect. You love coming to see him and being surprised by seeing a different color of hair on his head.

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