61.The boys find a hickey

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Calum: Calum yawns, as he drifts into the kitchen area of the Gus Bus. He ruffles his air sleepily, putting on the kettle for some tea. He gets out two mugs, one for him and one for you. You are still in bed, fast asleep. The rustling of plastic from the toast wrapping attracts Luke, who peeks into the kitchen to see who else is awake this early. “Hey” Calum smiles at his best friend. “Hey, you’re up early” Luke comments suspiciously, coming closer to Calum. “Yeah, i got hungry” he shrugs, opening the cupboard to get out honey. “Mate, what’s that on your neck…” Luke asks, inspecting Calum’s throat closer. Calum tries to shy away, but Luke’s already seen it. “It’s a hickey!” he exclaims, gleefully. “Shhhh!” Calum shushes him desperately. “ASHTON, MICHAEL! GUESS WHO GOT SOME LAST NIGHT?” Luke shouts through the Gus Bus, making Calum bury his face in his hands in shame. “Why are you yelling, Luke?” you ask, drowsily joining the two boys. “Nice going, (y/n)” Luke grins, slapping you on the back. You look over at Calum, confused, but he just shakes his head, still slightly red from embarrassment.

Luke: "Good practice guys, tonight is gonna be amazing" Luke grins eagerly. The band is preparing to take on the Hershey Stadium, the biggest crowd they’ve played in front of yet. You know beneath Luke’s carefree and laid back exterior, he is actually quite nervous. You sit in the empty stadium, watching the rehearsal, replaying last night’s anti-stressing session with Luke. The boys are now goofing around with the microphones; Ashton is telling lame jokes, his ridiculously adorable laughter at his own jokes echoing from the speakers. "Oh Luke, you got like a smudge or something on your neck… Oh! Oh my god, it’s a hickey! Luke’s got a love bite!" Ashton announces into the microphone. You feel paralysed with shame, sinking into your seat. The stadium may be empty, but the entire crew now knows Luke and you got it on last night. Luke looks comfortable, but simply laughs it off.

Michael: "Ohhhh! Owned! I annihilated you!" Michael exclaims victoriously, jumping up from the gamers couch in success. "Now how about some celebratory pizza for the number one champ?" Michael woops enthusiastically, while Calum opens the pizza hut box. Michael reaches over for a slice, his already somewhat low cut shirt slipping slightly to expose the lower part of his clavicle, marked with a reddish, faintly blue tinted bruise. "Michael, what happened to your shoulder?" Ashton remarks, curiously trying to get a better look at his mark. You and Michael both freeze. Michael quickly tries to cover it up. "It’s just a bruise" he replies fastly, but not very convincingly. Your faces must have given you away, because the remaining three boys holler at him, giving him high fives. "What are you high fiving him for? (Y/n) gave it to him!" Luke comments, making everyone laugh and high five you as well. You kinda want to slump to the ground and curl into a ball of humiliation, but try and take it with humour.

Ashton: You and Ashton are having a lie in. The Gus Bus is still driving to their next concert destination, and you had a late night. “Hey, wake up sleepy heads!” you hear Calum call, crawling into bed with you and Ashton. “Calum, go away, it’s too crowded in here already” you complain, snuggling closer to Ashton. “But i want a cuddle!” Calum pouts, positioning his head in the crook of Ashton’s arm. Ashton chuckles, turning his head to give you a kiss on the forehead. “Ohhh, what do we have here?” Calum suddenly asks, pulling down on Ashton’s shirt to expose the prominent love bite on his lower neck. “Oh, Michael and Luke are gonna LOVE this!” he giggles, running off to get the other two members of 5sos. “I swear this bus has NO privacy!” you groan, burying your face in Ashton’s chest. “Ashton Fletcher Irwin, did you have sex on the Gus Bus? We are disgusted and proud at the same time!” Michael comments, as he, Calum and Luke return. “Looks like the ponies forever power won her over huh?” Calum laughs.

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