100. You Hit Him In The Balls Accidentally

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Ashton: You were running around you flat, shrieks of laughter escaping your lips as Ashton chased after you. You had dipped behind the couch, him on one side, yourself on the other. You couldn’t help the giggle that erupted from you, your chest heaving as you panted. This had been going on for a good while now, the constant chase. You didn’t know how you had escaped him so far, as you stared at him you couldn’t help but admire his features. His hair was disheveled, his eyes wide and bright, just like his smile. He had the biggest smile on his face as he too, panted slightly. “Give up,” He breathed from across the couch. Your muscles twitched, shaking your head slightly. “I can’t let you have the victory, my friend.” You said smiling wickedly at him. He raised an eyebrow and your heart jumped. Instead of running around the couch he leapt onto it, grabbing your arms and pulling you along with him so you both collapsed on the soft plush cushion, your body falling on top of his. You laughed as his hands wandered down your sides, flipping you so you were underneath him. “Surrender.” He said looking down at you. You shook your head, a playful smirk on your lips. “Really? You’re not going to give up? You have no idea what I have in store for you than.” His hands ghosted your sides, just above your ribs as a peal of laughter spilled from you lips. You squirmed underneath him, his legs either side of you, pinning you there. You shrieked as he relentlessly tickled your body, making you gasp for breath, more peals of laughter echoing off of the walls. You jerked your body as he tickled the spot that the most ticklish. Suddenly, Ashton’s hands left you, a large groan escaping his tightly pressed lips. You stopped moving, eyes on his face. “Ash, are you alright?” You asked hesitantly. He nodded his head, his eyes still screwed shut, his mouth in a tight line. “You’re not, did I do something?” You said, sitting up slightly, as he sat back on his heels. He let out a long breath, opening his eyes to meet yours. “You just hit me…um there.” He said still grimacing. You drew your eyebrows together slightly, a little confused at his vague answer. Where? And then it dawned on you, you hit him in the balls, accidentally of course. “I’m so sorry Ashton, are you all right? Do you need anything? I’m so sorry!” You said desperately, your hands ghosting over him. “No, you didn’t do it on purpose. Just give me a second.” He said, his voice resuming its normal pitch, and his face beginning to relax. You waited a few grueling seconds before he had completely relaxed, meeting your eyes. He let out one more breath before staring at you. “So where were we?” He said, an evil glint twinkling in his eye. 

Calum: You weren’t the most experienced in bed. You had never been with someone before Calum, and he was mostly showing you the ropes. He was gentle, patient, and of course, he never laughed at you. For the most part you had been on the bottom when you both made out, he knowing exactly how to move against you to make you whimper for more contact. You were in a heated make out session, Calum hovering over you. His hands trailed down to your hips, where he gently pulled you and rolled you on top of him. You awkwardly followed his action, trying your hardest to not look like a fool. Finally you were on top of him, although it was anything but comfortable. The way he had been lying on you, with one of his legs in between yours had equaled to a very uncomfortable way for you to sit. “Just put your leg on the other side of my hip,” He said gently, sensing your confusion and discomfort. He gave you an encouraging smile as you followed his instructions, moving your leg to the other side of his hip. In the process, you hadn’t judged how close you were to him. As you raised your leg, your knee collided with his crotch, earning a stifled grunt. You froze, his eyes screwed shut. Your heart was pounding in your chest. He probably thought you were so inexperienced and was going to dump you when he got his bearings. You awkwardly straddled him, unsure of what to do. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry Calum!” You pleaded with him, in desperation that it wasn’t that bad. He nodded his head, letting out his breath. You moved so you could get off of him and let yourself out but he grabbed your hips and kept you in place. “I’m fine, just a wee accident.” He said smiling at you. “You don’t hate me?” You asked in a small voice, absolutely mortified. “Of course not, do you know how many times the lads hit me in the balls in a day. That was nothing,” He said with a flick of his wrist. “Really?” You asked, still unsure. “Of course, it was nothing. Think of it as payback for when I punched you in the boob accidentally a few days ago.” He laughed as he rubbed small circles on your hips. “I ruined the mood.” You said still straddling him, and feeling most out of place. “What are you talking about? You didn’t ruin anything.” He said, once again giving you a reassuring smile. “Come down here and kiss me, take my mind off of my debilitating pain.” He said seductively giving you a cheeky wink. You laughed and bent down to peck his lips, his hand snaking up to capture you in the kiss, as the mood again resumed. 

Luke: “You really don’t want to play sports with me Luke.” You said, once again trying to reason with the persistent boy in front of you. “How bad could you be, really?” He asked, throwing a ball between his hands. “You really want to bet?” You asked incredulously. “Whats the worst that could happen? Its not like your going to throw it hard enough to break my arm. C’mon we’ll toss it back and forth, can’t be that hard.” He said, giving you one of the smiles that you fell in love with. You heaved a sigh and lifted yourself out of bed to your closet. “Give me five minutes.” You said, looking for a pair of exercise pants. You went out to the backyard, seeing Luke standing with his back facing you. You walked up to him, announcing that you were ready, the tone in your voice demonstrated just how uneasy you were about this. His eyes traced the curves of your body, the corners of his mouth quirking up. “It’ll be fun!” He said backing up, and tossing you the ball. You caught it, it fumbling in your grasp. You tossed it back, as he continued to get farther and farther away from you. You two tossed the ball back and forth gently, sometimes your aim being a little off. The ball never quite reaching him, or if it did, it was directed to high or too low. “Give me your hardest throw.” He shouted across to you. “I don’t think thats a good idea, you’ve seen how bad my aim is.” You shouted back at him. He shook his head, determined to see your pitching arm. You sighed, tossing the ball in the air before turning your body sideways to get the most power behind it. You wound your arm back and fired it at him, seeing the ball travel the distance between the both of you at a startling speed. It was a perfect throw, except the fact that it was a little low. Luke didn’t have time to bend down to get it, instead it collided with his lower region. He doubled over, as you gasped and ran over to him. “Luke! Oh my, are you alright? Can I get you anything? I told you this wasn’t a good idea!” A muffled groan was all that answered. You rubbed his back for a few moments before he straightened up. “You’ve got one hell of an arm on you (Y/N)” He said smiling weakly at you. “Maybe we’ll work on aim next time.” He said chuckling softly. You rolled your eyes, “There won’t be a next time Luke.” You said laughing as he shook his head, walking slowly to the patio to sit down for a bit. 

Michael: “How would you get out of this hold?” Michael asked you, he had you in a reverse bear hug, his strong arms around you. “I wouldn’t want to…” You breathed as he tightened his grip on you, a little tighter than what was comfortable. “Lets say I was about to hurt you, and that I was threatening you. What would you do?” He asked, his voice right beside your ear. Recently on the news there had been reports of men attempting to kidnap young women. These reports had been in your area, making you fear for your safety when you were out. Michael, on the other hand had taken it upon himself to teach you some self defense. “It will make me feel better.” He had said when he proposed the idea to you. You had agreed, to humor him but it was also to put your mind at ease. Right now you thought of your situation. You knew you weren’t strong enough to break his grasp, and you couldn’t run. “I would elbow you and step on your instep” You said in a small voice. “Show me.” He said tightening his grip and attempting to wrestle you to the floor. He was usually gentle with you, but this was different. If you hadn’t of known it was Michael, you would of thought he was actually trying to get you away or push you down. Your heart thundered in your chest, and you followed through with your words. You wiggled your arms, a little unsure of hurting him, although now you were having difficulty breathing. “Show me what you would do, break my hold.” He said into your ear, clearly not giving up. You elbowed him, hearing a muffled groan, his grip loosened but not a lot. You stepped on his foot, earning a grunt but to no avail did he let you go. When you thought you could get away, he came back and grabbed you, tighter. You finally kicked your leg back, hoping to get his kneecap or even his thigh where it would surely break his grasp but he let out a strangled grunt as your foot collided with something else. He instantly let you go, you ran a fair bit away to see him hunched over, grabbing his crotch. “Oh dear! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you there, I was going for your kneecap!” You said feebly as he stayed in his position. “That was exactly what you were supposed to do (Y/N)” He said, standing up and wincing. “You did good, and you have quite the elbow on you.” He said smiling. “Did I hurt you?” You asked, still standing a bit away from him. “No, you did good! I can sleep at night knowing you would get away.” He said. “Did I hurt you? Sorry I was a bit rough, I wanted to prove a point.” He said walking towards you. “No, its fine. I feel much better.” You said smiling at him. 

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