88. You see him naked for the first time

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Ashton: You went to a photo shoot that the boys were having because of the new album coming out. When you got there you saw all the boys except for Ash. "Hey where is he?" They pointed towards the dressing room. You knocked and he said "Come in." You opened the door to see him standing naked. He looked up at you and quickly covered himslef. "Oh my God." You shut the door and started to blush. Luke, Calum and Michael were looking over at you laughing their asses off.

Calum: You were working and Calum came into the shop you work at to buy new clothes. "I want you to pick them out for me though, I feel too lazy to look around." You laugh and send Calum into a dressing room. You come back with a couple different outfits for him to try on. You open up the curtain, Calum was standing there naked. You quickly close the curtain, "I'll just leave these out here." And laid the clothes down on the ground.

Luke: You came over to surprise Luke one day at his house. You had a key to the front door so you just went in. You turn the corner to head towards Lukes room. You see him leaving the bathroom naked and walking into hos room. You have a mental freak out. Then you decide to leave and act like it had never happened. Once you had left and re locked the door, you decided to knock. He answered fully clothed.

Michael: Every night you and Michael would skype while he was on tour. He usually starts the call but this time you did. He rang for a wile and then someone answered. It was Ashton. "Hey Mikey will be here soon." The two of you do a little small talk. Then you hear Michaels voice coming closer. "Ash have you seen my shirt?" Michael comes into view of the camera. "Shit!" He quickly left the room. You and Ashton could not stop laughing. "Not funny guys!" Michael called out.

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