96. Another boy hangs out with you he gets mad/jealous

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"Hey Michael."You sighed as you walked into the living room and sprawled yourself out beside him on the couch. "Why do you sound so sad?" He chuckled noticing how over dramatized your movements. You rested your head in his lap and looked up at him. "Is Ashton mad at me or something? He's been ignoring me a lot lately." You asked. "What? No he's not mad at you." He replied. "Then what's wrong with him?" You questioned "Nothing just drop it, he's fine." "Michael tell me!!!" You pleaded. "Fiiinnnee...promise you won't be mad?" "I promise." "Okay. He's been ignoring you because I told him that that I didn't want him to hang out with you without asking me first." He explained. You couldn't help yourself from laughing. "Why are you laughing???" He questioned. "Because Ashtons actually scared of you!" "HE SHOULD BE. You're mine. He knows that." He exclaimed. "Whatever you say Mikey."You giggled as he leaned down to kiss you.


"Calum we were just hanging out!" You heard Luke exclaim as you walked into your shared apartment. You'd gotten home just in time to hear Luke and Calum arguing over something. "Yeah you were hanging out with my girlfriend ALONE!" Calum fumed. "You know we're just friends!" Luke defended. "I don't care! You should let me know when you're gonna be with MY girlfriend! You should've asked me first!!!" Calum returned. "So now everyone needs your permission to be my friend?" You asked as you walked in the room, causing him to jump in surprise, not expecting you to be home this early. "If they're guys then yes." He answered. "You get jealous way too easily." Y giggled as you walked over to him and kissed him gently. "Only when it comes to you babe." He grinned as he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you back, leaving Luke standing there awkwardly.


You were sitting on the tour bus with Michael and Ashton. They were playing Xbox for awhile and were now arguing about some game and who was better at it and what not. "Michael you suck at it, I've beaten you like 100 times." Ashton laughed. Michael had anger written all over his face and he opened his mouth to make a comeback but then shut it quickly as a devilish grin took over. "Hey Ash, you wouldn't mind if I told y/n about the conversation we had earlier, would you?" He smirked and Ashton's eyes widened. "What's he talking about?" You asked. "Michael no I'm sorr-" "ASHTON SAID I CAN'T HANG OUT WITH YOU WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION." Michael yelled before running out the door. "Are you serious?!" You questioned. "No I didn't mean it like that! I just don't like it when you hang out with other guys. I get jealous sometimes." He defended. "Ashton I love you, but you don't get to control who I hang out with." "Are you mad?" He asked as he plopped down next to you. "Nope. You're cute when you're jealous." You giggled and kissed him on the cheek.


"Hey Cal." Luke smiled as he walked in the room. That's when he noticed you sitting next to Calum, watching some movie that had just come on. "Y/n? I didn't know you were here." He said in a slightly questioning way as he walked over and kissed you on the cheek. "Yeah I thought I texted you?" You replied."I probably didn't get it." Luke shrugged. "Speaking of texting, I think I left my phone in the kitchen. Be right back." you stated. You got your phone and were about to walk back into the living room when you heard Luke talking. "Calum I told you not to have her over without asking me first!" He whisper-yelled quickly, probably to avoid you overhearing."Luke what do you think we're gonna do!?! It's not like we're gonna fu-" "Don't even say it! I don't care what you were doing just ask my permission first!" He said a little more loudly than intended. "What was that Lucas?" You asked. They both whipped their heads around to look at you. Calum just had this 'oh shit' look on his face while Luke just looked panicked. "Uuummmm....I was just telling C-Calum about-" "Luke if this makes you uncomfortable you could've just said so. Lucky for you I was about to go home anyways." You stated. Luke breathed a sigh of relief that you didn't blow up on him and Calum was just snickering at him from across the room. "Love you." Luke said as he kissed you goodbye.

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