102. Another Boy Introduces You To Him

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Ashton: "She's gorgeous," Ashton said pointing to you in the crowd of fans outside the venue. "Who the one over there?" Michael said nodding his head to where you were standing just a little away from the crowd. "Yeah, she's breathtaking." He said, completely obvious to the other fans surrounding them. You were looking down at your feet, so you didn't notice Ashton or Michael staring at you, or the comments floating your way. Michael let out a low chuckle before winking at Ash. He walked away, and with harsh realization, Ashton noticed it was towards you. By now, most fans had cleared away, and he effortlessly made his way to you, sparking up conversation. You smiled at him, and your smile made Ashton's heart flutter. Michael started saying something that made you look over at Ashton and laugh a little; Michael turning towards Ashton and winking. Michael nodded his head at something you said, and before Ashton knew it, you and Michael were walking towards him. His heart rate accelerated as you approached, your steps timid as you neared. "Hey Ash, this is (Y/N)," Michael said winking at Ashton very subtly. "Hello," Ashton said, and he could already feel his cheeks heating up. "How are you?" He said, trying to make things less awkward. "I'm really good thank you, how are you?" You replied, your voice a little shy, and he too could see the red tinge to your cheeks. His palms grew sweaty with nerves, and he wondered if this was what love at first sight felt like. "I'm a big fan," You said, and looked down again. "You probably hear that all the time." You said, kicking yourself for the stupid remark. Here was your chance, talking to the Ashton Irwin that you had crushed over for as long as the band had been together, and you decided to say that you were a big fan. Your face heated up, hotter than it already was, and Michael chuckled from beside you, sensing your embarrassment. "No, we love hearing that. You're endless support is incredible, thank you so much!" Ashton said, trying to ease your worry. You smiled sheepishly at him, unsure of what to say now. "Are you from around here?" Ashton asked, cocking his head to the side. "Yeah, I am." You said smiling at him. "Well, we're not doing anything after this, would you um, maybe, like to, I don't know, go out for dinner or something? If not thats fine! I was just wondering, you know..." He managed to get out, itching the back of his neck in nervousness. If he didn't think his heart could beat any harder, his body defied him because at the moment it was thundering. You smiled at him, taken aback by his request. You didn't know why he would go for someone like you, but you were flattered, your heart racing in your chest. "I would love to," You said, smiling at him. Ashton breathed a sigh of relief, as Michael walked away smiling to himself at his handy work. "You're literally the most beautiful girl I have ever seen," He said, staring at you then adverting his attention to his feet. You couldn't help the hot flash of colour that stained your cheeks at his comment, before you giggled. "Thank you," You said, shuffling nervously. "I'm really nervous..." Ashton said, more to himself than to you. "So am I..." You said softly, looking up at him. "Well, would you like to join me?" He said holding out his arm for you to take. You broke out into a grin, before taking his arm, where Ashton led you away from the venue, and towards the main street.

Calum: Calum was currently in a store, simply browsing for music, when you caught his eye. He was with Ashton and Luke, Michael off doing his own thing, when he stopped in his tracks. "You alright mate?" Luke said turning to him. Calum nodded his head, his eyes trained on your beautiful form that was currently sorting through CD's. Luke followed his gaze to see you standing there oblivious to his hard gaze. "What's wrong Cal? Cat got your tongue?" Luke said chuckling. "Or should I say, does a lady have your tongue?" By now, Ashton had caught on that Calum was starstruck, and that he laughed as Calum scowled at the ground. "I want to talk to her, I don't know how to casually..." He said. "I suck at this." He added, looking at the boys hopefully. "Give me a second." Luke said, patting him on the back, before walking towards you. You could hear him talk to you, before you led him to an aisle not far from where Calum was standing. He walked over to you, as you were flipping through albums, searching for the one that Luke had requested. "Ah, here it is!" You said triumphantly pulling out the album. "Thank you," Luke said, taking the disc and nodding at Calum. Luke and Ashton walked away from you, leaving just you and Calum. "Can I help you find anything?" You said, a little flustered from how attractive he was. "Um, no..." He trailed off, as your face fell a little disappointedly. "So you work here?" He said, before biting his lip and cursing himself for his stupidity. You laughed, your eyes crinkling at the corners as you shook your head. "Does the uniform give it away? I wanted to keep it a secret." You teased, playfully cocking your head. Calum laughed relieved at your banter, before shifting his weight. "Look, I don't want to get you in trouble from your boss or anything, but I was wondering... if I could get your number or something? Maybe we could go out and get to know each other? If not that's totally okay, and if you think I'm some creepy guy hitting on you, you can just tell me to get lost." Calum babbled, not being able to stop himself. You laughed again, realizing he was really nervous. "I'd love to," You said walking to the counter that wasn't far away and grabbing a scrap piece of paper. "Here," You said handing it to him. "Whoa, wait, you're Calum Hood from 5 Seconds of Summer!" You said realizing that he was the one on the album cover currently displayed on the 'new' rack. He blushed a little, before nodding his head. "I knew I recognized you, that's pretty cool." You said smiling at him. "Doesn't change the fact that I'd still like to go out with you, or that you're a cutie." You said winking at him. Calum blushed like mad, before smiling at you. "When do you get off?" He asked, liking your playful personality. "Six," You said. "I'll text you than and we can find a time to go out." He said smiling at you. "What's your name by the way?" He added, a little embarrassed that he forgot to ask. "(Y/N)." You said, smiling back at him. "Well (Y/N), have a good shift, and I'll definitely text you." He said waving at you before joining the boys. "Thanks Luke," He said, a goofy smile on his face. "You are the least smooth person I have ever met." Ashton said shaking his head before leaving the store. With a final glance over his shoulder he waved to you, before leaving and counting down the hours until he could see you.

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