40. What he does when you're sick

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Calum: “How are you feeling?” Calum asks, shuffling into your room. “I’ve been better,” you reply with a shrug. “I made you soup,” he said, handing you a warm bowl. You raise your eyebrows at him skeptically and he adds, “Well I bought you soup and put it in a nice bowl.” “Thanks,” you laugh as he takes a seat at the foot of your bed. “How’re you feeling now?” He asks eagerly as you take a spoonful of soup. “The same as before,” you reply with a laugh. “At least you’re not worse than before,” he points out. “That’s true,” you agree, stifling a yawn. “You’re tired?” Calum asks, frowning at you. “A little,” you reply. “I’ll leave so you can sleep,” he offers, rising and taking the bowl away. “Oh I almost forgot!” He rushes from the room and returns moments later with a bell. “I bought this for you,” he says, setting it on your bedside table. “If you need anything just ring it!” He beams at you and you know he’s proud of how thoughtful that was. “Thanks, Cal,” you laugh. “Time for bed,” he says, fluffing your pillow and tucking your covers around you. “G’night babe,” he says, kissing your forehead before exiting.

Ashton: “Ready to go?” Ashton asks, turning toward you. “Yeah,” You sigh, looking in the mirror, “I just don’t feel that great.” “Are you sick?” Ashton asks, furrowing his eyebrows in concern. “No, I’m fine,” you say brushing it off, “I wanna go out.” Ashton looks at you suspiciously and slowly raises his hand to your forehead. “Y/n! You’re burning up!” Ashton says in surprise. “I’m fine,” you insist. “Nope,” Ashton says, shaking his head, “Go change into your pajamas.” You sigh, but obey Ashton, returning minutes later to see him fluffing your pillows. “Lay down,” he commands. You do as he says and he pulls the blankets up to your chin. ”We were supposed to go out,” you mumble. “We’ll go out next weekend,” Ashton says with a shrug, “Right now Doctor Irwin says you need to sleep.” You laugh, but you feel your eyes closing already. “Goodnight,” you murmur. “Goodnight,” you hear Ashton repeat, his lips pressing gently against your hot forehead before the lights go out.

Luke: You wake up, rolling over to reach your phone and smiling when you see a missed call from Luke. Immediately you call him back, getting comfortable again as you wait for him to pick up. “Hello?” You hear him say. “Hey,” you say with a cough. “How’re you feeling?” He asks. “I’ve been better,” you reply. “I wish I could be there to take care of you,” Luke sighs. “I’ll be okay,” you tell him, not wanting him to worry. “Do you feel any better than yesterday?” He asks hopefully. “Not really,” you laugh, although it turns into a cough. “I wish I could just cuddle you and rent you movies and make you feel better,” Luke sighs. “Hearing your voice makes me feel better,” you state, making him laugh. You can’t help yawning into the phone as your eyes start to close again. “You should get back to sleep,” Luke says sadly, “So I guess I’ll let you go.” “Luke?” You say quietly, “Do you think you could maybe, um, could you stay on the phone for a few minutes?” “Of course,” Luke laughs, “What do you want me to do?” “Sing to me?” You suggest hopefully. You shut your eyes but set the phone next to you to hear Luke sing you to sleep.

Michael: “Come in,” you call when a tap comes at your door. “I brought movies!” Michael states excitedly as he enters the room. You cheer halfheartedly and he smiles at you. “How do you feel?” He asks as he pops in a random movie. “I’m alright,” you say with a shrug. “Well you look awful,” Michael jokes. “Well, I’m sick. What’s your excuse?” You retort, making Michael laugh. “Sick and still quick with the come backs,” he chuckles as he crawls into bed beside you. “Michael, I’m sick!” You say, pushing him away. “I don’t care,” he replies, pulling you against him. “I’m gonna get you sick,” you mutter, struggling to escape his strong arms. “Then you’ll have to take care of me,” Michael points out. “You’re dumb,” you laugh. “I’m a genius,” Michael argues. You shake your head, laughing to yourself. “Shh, the movie’s starting,” Michael whispers, covering your mouth. You lick his hand and he screams, removing it quickly. “Sick germs!” He yells, looking at his hand in horror. “You said you wanted to get sick,” you say with a shrug.

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