77. A day in bed

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Michael: Of course, being Michael, a day in bed meant as many different video games as you could cram in. You'd roll your eyes at his suggestion, but always went along with it, because you secretly enjoyed spending that time with him. Hes mile coyly at you after he won most of the time, but the few times you would beat him, you'd squeal in enjoyment and rub it in Michael's face. He'd laugh, and pounce on you, tickling your sides until you finally told him that he was by far, better than you at everything. Those were your favorite kinds of days with him.

Calum: Calum had just gotten back from tour, and you wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before he started to work on more stuff with his band. So the day you two had planned went out the window when you woke up to his beautiful brown eyes staring into your own. You giggled, and gave him a slow kiss on his lips. "Let's stay here all day, okay?" he aasked you softly. You nodded, and got even closer to him. That day was just spent on catching up with each other's lives, telling each other every single thing you had done while he was gone. You laid together until the sky became dark again, and you fell asleep again.

Luke: He was on strict vocal rest, not able to talk with you or anything. So you took care of him all day, giving him medicine and making him soup whenever he needed it. Most of the time, you laid right next to him, not speaking at all, just taking in each other's presence and warmth, and wanting to stay like that forever. Whenever Luke would try to talk, you'd playfully slap his shoulder, and put a finger over his lips, telling him to shush and enjoy the day. You could feel his chest rise up and down while he slept, and you put your hand over his heart, happy and contented.

Ashton: You woke up in Ashton's arms, and he's already awake, an oddity. He smiled and kissed your nose, saying "Good morning, sweetie. How'd you sleep?" He tried to get up, but you pulled him back down, asking him to stay with you in beed, because he had nowhere better to be. He complied right away, looking for an excuse to stay in bed with you all day. The two of you just talked about random little things in each others arms, and sometimes dozed off a little. The only times you got up is if you were hungry, and even then it was a bit hard to get out of each other's warm embrace.

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