91. Over Protective Brother From Another Band

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(Mike & Vic Fuentes) - Pierce the Veil

"Hey Calum." You smiled as you opened the front door. "Hiii." He grinned, drawling out the syllable. He was coming over to study with you today. You two had gone on a few dates before but had never become official. "Are your brothers here?" He asked out of the blue as you started walking up the stairs to your bedroom. "Um no, why?" You asked. "N-no reason." He replied, his voice cracking a bit. "You weren't gonna fan girl over them were you?" You joked and he just laughed nervously. "No I was just wondering." He assured you as you opened your bedroom door. You sat down on your bed and dumped the contents of your bag onto the blankets. Calum sat beside you and pulled out his book as you two began to study you were asking him quiz questions and what not and you noticed him staring at you the whole time. You asked him another question and this time he didn't answer. "Stop staring!" You laughed. He blushed and said "Sorry, you're just so pretty." You smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, you're not too bad yourself.." You winked. You started  to reopen your book but he stopped you. "Wait before we start again, I gotta ask you something." He stated. You nodded for him to go on. "Do you maybe wanna...be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously.  "Calum, I'd love to." You grinned before you could say anything else, he pressed his lips to yours gently. "Can we stop studying now, it's boring." He pouted. "Finnnne." You sighed jokingly and kissed him again like he wanted. He kissed you back harder until he was on top of you. It got pretty heated until you heard someone enter your room. "What the fuck!?!" Vic yelled. Within a second, Mike pulled Calum off if you by hus shirt and pinned him against the wall, bringing his fist back to swing.


(Pete Wentz) - Fall Out Boy

"Ashton you need to be more quiet." You giggled as he stumbled around your room clumsily. "I'm sorry, he won't be home until around midnight right?" Ashton asked, referring to your brother, Pete. "Yeah but my parents are still here." You whispered. He just rolled his eyes and plopped down next to you on the bed. You guys were just watching a movie, nothing crazy, but your parents weren't really that fond of you having boys around. Pete was really over protective as well. You put in a movie and Ashton rested his head on your shoulder. "Love you." He smiled and kissed your cheek. "I love you too." You grinned as you ran your fingers through his hair. You were about half way through the movie when someone knocked  on your door. "Y/n? Can I come in?" It was Pete. "Umm...hold on!" You yelled. "Where do I hide!?!" Ashton whispered urgently. You didn't say anything as you pretty much shoved him under your bed. "Come in." You called and Pete walked in smiling. "Hey y/n, I decided to take a little break instead of being cooped up in the studio all night." He grinned. Out of all the times he could choose to hang out with you, he chooses now. "Really? That's great. Are you gonna go hang out with mom?" You asked, trying to get him out of your room. "What? No I'm gonna spend time with you, what are you watching?" He asked. "Just some stupid movie, you don't have to watch it." You insisted. "It's cool, I want to." He smiled and sat down on the bed with you, unpausing the movie. A few minutes later his phone started ringing. "One second." He said as he walked out. "Ashton he's not leaving, you need to go!" You urged as he crawled out from under your bed. "Fine, I'll see you tomorrow babe." He sighed and gave you a kiss before opening the window. He started to climb out as Pete walked back in. "What the hell!?!" He shrieked and ran towards Ashton. "Pete we weren't doi-" before you finished, Pete roughly grabbed Ashton by the shirt and dragged him back in.


(Austin Carlile) - Of Mice&Men

You were waiting on your bed silently. It was about 9 pm and you were supposed to go see Luke today, but your dad made you stay home. He didn't really even know Luke was your boyfriend, he assumed you wanted to hang out with friends. Either way, Luke texted saying he wanted to see you tonight, and he was on his way. After a few minutes you heard a knock on your window and saw Luke  standing outside with his hood up. "Hey babe." You smiled as you opened the window and pulled him in, pressing your lips to his. "I missed you." He smirked, kissing you back. He laid down on your bed and pulled you next to him. "When are you gonna tell them we're dating?" He pouted. "You know I want to. I was just planning on waiting until after Austin starts his tour." You giggled. "That makes sense I guess..." "I just don't want him to murder you." You reassured him. "Well me neither, he scares the hell out of me but I hate keeping us a secret." He stated. "Me too, I'll tell them I promise, so stop being sad." You smiled and nudged him playfully, earning a smile from him. He brushed some of the hair out of your face and kissed you. This continued awhile until you started hearing heavy footsteps. You sat up straight "Do you hear that?" You whispered as he was still laying down. His eyes widened. "What do I do!?" He half whispered half yelled. "Ummm hide in the closet!" You commanded and he dashed off your bed and into your closet. Your bedroom door opened and Austin walked in. "Austin? What are you doing here?" You asked, trying to sound casual. "Just wanted to spend some more time with you before tour." He shrugged as he plopped down on your bed and started scrolling through his phone. He started talking to you about all the shows they'd play and what not. You zoned out and started thinking about how you were gonna get Luke out without being noticed. You heard a phone ringing and snapped back to attention. "You gonna answer that?" You asked. "It's not mine." He said, furrowing his eyebrows. It was coming from the closet. Luke forgot to turn it off. Austin got up and started walking to the closet. "No Austin stop it was probably min-" "WHAT THE FU-" he started to yell when he saw Luke, but Luke shoved past him quickly and ran out of your bedroom door. Austin started running after him as they trampled down the stairs, practically jumping over the railing. He ran through the living room to get through the front door. That was a pretty bad idea since your dad was in there watching tv. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!" Your dad shouted before jumping up off the sofa as Luke pretty much jumped over the coffee table and dashed out the front door. "Austin stop!" You pleaded as he chased Luke into the yard with your dad following. He caught up to Luke and tackled him to the ground. Your heart nearly stopped when he punched Luke and it skipped a beat when Luke punched him back. Neither of you expected that.


(Alex Gaskarth) - All Time Low

You were in the studio today with your brother Alex, the rest of All Time Low, and the members of 5 Seconds of Summer. They were writing together today once again, an  you tagged along. You'd met Michael before and had been texting him for awhile before you started dating. Neither of you had told Alex yet. You definitely didn't tell any of his band either, knowing they'd tell him. "Hey y/n we're gonna go get something to eat, you want anything?" Alex asked. "No I'm fine, thanks though." You smiled and he just shrugged and walked out the door with Jack. A minute later Michael walked in and sat down beside you. "Hey babe." He smirked as he scooted closer to you and started kissing down your neck. "Michael stop, we don't know when Alex will be back." You warned. "We have time." He assured and kept on going, biting your neck a little. "Stop!" You giggled and put your hand on his chest to stop him. "But why? I've been missing you." He pouted and gave you the puppy dog eyes. You just rolled your eyes. "Pleeaaasee?" He pouted. "Fine" you sighed. He just smiled and kissed you on the lips this time. You leaned back as he climbed on top of you, taking off his jacket. He started kissing down your neck again. You stared to here footsteps but ignored it until you heard them getting closer. "Michael stop." "Babe we won't get caught." He mumbled into your neck. "Micha-" "I forgot my-WHAT THE FUCK!?!" Alex shrieked as he walked back into the room with the rest of the band. Jack started laughing, Rian and Zack just looked really surprised. Michael jumped off of you as Alex rushed over to him but you stepped in between them. "I invited you here to write with us not to fuck my sister!" Alex shouted making Jack laugh harder. "I didn't fuck your sister.....yet." Michael said. Usually he joked around with Alex but he didn't understand that this was the worst possible time to do so. Rian just shook his head with an expression like "you're digging your own grave". Jack's mouth dropped into a slight smile as he looked back in forth between Alex and Michael, waiting for the response and Zack just looked like he felt bad for him. Alex became scarily expressionless and calm as he looked down at the ground, thinking of what to do. "Alex? Are you ok-" before you could finish he full on punched Michael in the face, knocking him out. "FUCK THAT HURT!" Alex yelled, shaking off his fist. They all looked shocked except for Jack who was laughing. "Where the fuck did that come from!? Didn't know you had that in you!" Jack laughed. "You just punched a teenager!" Rian shouted. "What the hell is wrong with you!?!" You knelt beside Michael who was still on the ground.

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