76. Your daughter gets her period and you not there

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Michael: "Hey, Dad?" Your thirteen-year-old daughter, Natalie said. He looked up from the laptop. "Yeah?" he asked. "I think I got my period today. But, like, I don't know where mom's stuff is. So, like, do you know where she keeps her pads and stuff?" Michael mentally cringed at the "female talk" that he really didn't like hearing about. And your daughter was brutally blunt about it, and didn't care that she had to talk to her dad, and not her mom, who was out with friends. "Yeah..." he said. "Uh, I think her... stuff it's, in the cupboard, in the bathroom. Dig around a bit if you need to." She smiled, and kissed her father on the cheek, skipping off to the bathroom.

Calum: "Dad, dad dad!" Nina yelled for her father, running through the hallway until she saw him in the kitchen. "Dad, I'm freaking out," she said. "I think I'm dying, oh my God, there's like, a bunch of blood in my underwear, I have no idea what's going on, you've got to take me to the emergency room, please, dad-" He cut her off with a laugh. "Sweetie, don't worry. You're gonna be fine." He said. He led her to the bathroom, telling her about the pads and how to put them on, and telling her to talk to her mother about it when you got home. He went back to his spot in the kitchen, trying to stop the watering in his eyes. His little girl wans't really so "little" anymore.

Luke: "I feel like shit," Alice, your twelve-year-old daughter said, collapsing on the couch next to her dad. Those two had always been close, and shared everything. "Don't say shit," he said, stroking her hair. "What's wrong with you?" he asked her. "I don't know." She said. "It's like, down here," She said, gesturing to her lower stomach. "I've never felt something like it." she said. His eyes widened, knowing exactly what it was, from years of having to deal with you. "Uh, sweetie?" he asked, continuing to stroke her hair."Yeah?" she asked. "You may wanna talk to your mom about that when you get home." She scrunched up her eyebrows, before her eyes widened, just like Luke's. "Oh!" She said. "Oh, I get it now..." she said with a sly look in her eyes.

Ashton: You got a call from your husband in the middle of work, but you ignored it, as you were working on something important. When it rang again, you sighed, and picked up the phone. "I'm kinda busy," you said. "Can you make it quick?" You can hear him laugh nervously on the other end. "Um, yeah, it's just," he paused. "Uh, Amelia just, um, she got her, you know. Mother nature decided to visit her for the first time." You smiled at Ashton's skittishness about the subject, and then said. "She's been through all the education at school, so she knows what's happening. My stuff is under the bathroom sink, so just give her one and I'll talk to her when I get home." He sighed in relief, obviously happy that he didn't have to have "the talk" with his daughter.

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