106. He cheated on you (with a twist) part 2

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Calum: 6 years later. You and your 5 year old daughter Kaleigh was at the park. You two were like having a picnic and at the same time your bonding moment. You also brought your dog to the park. You saw Kaleigh and Brownie was playing fetch and she was very happy. You suddenly fell asleep and didn't notice that they both wandered off. On the other hand, the boys were also there just chilling around. Then Luke noticed Kaleigh and the dog. "Hey, look at that kid." He said and the boys looked at her. "She looks so cute and damn the dog looks so huge." Michael said. "It's just because she's so little." Ashton said. "Brownie! Fetch!" she squealed and threw a stick towards the boys' direction. The dog ran and got the stick. "Good doggy!" her voice is so cute. She again walked with the dog towards the boy's direction. You suddenly woke up; you looked around you and you didn't saw Kaleigh and Brownie. "Shit." you muttered to yourself. You stood up and called her "Kaleigh?!" you yelled but she didn't answered. "KALEIGH?" you tried again. "I'm so fucked right now." You said and walked trying to find your daughter. Kaleigh on the other hand was still there, and the boys are still looking at her. "She kinda looks like Y/N." Luke blurted out. "No, she looks like Calum." Michael said. "She's a mix." Ashton blurted out. And they all turned to him. "What?" Ashton asked. "I mean, look at her, she got Calum's hair, eyes. She got Y/N's nose and lips." He said. "Kaleigh?" a woman stopped infront of the kid. She looked up and "Aunt Sheila!!!!" she squealed and hugged her. "Why are you here? Where's your mom?" she asked her. "Mommy's sleeping and I'm playing catch with Brownie." She said and pointed at the dog. "Hi Brownie." Sheila said and petted brownie. "Okay, I'm going to call your Mom." She said and picked her phone from her pocket. She didn't noticed the boys where there. She called you and you answered. "Sheilaaaa! Kaleigh is fucking lost! I'm so fucked right now!" you cried to her. "Calm your tits Y/N. I found her." She said and told you where they are. The boys were eavesdropping. You finally found where they are. "Kaleigh!" you said and she turned around. "Mommy!" she squealed. The boys were shocked. "Oh my god! I thought I have lost you. Don't ever run away like that huh." You said and picked her up. "Yes Mommy." She said and kissed you on the cheek. You put her down and you talked to Sheila. "Thanks Sheila." You said and you noticed that she was like looking at someone. You turned around and you saw Calum. "Y/N..." he said and walked to you. You slapped him. "I've been waiting to slap you for 6 fucking years." You said a little bit satisfied. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I know I made a mistake 6 years ago. I'm so sorry." He said to you. "You are just sorry because what? You know that we have a child? That's bullshit. Good bye Calum. Have a nice life." You said walking away with Kaleigh and your dog.

Luke: 4 years later. You got through your pregnancy with the help of Cara. She's always there to support you until you gave birth to Landon. He was your everything and you hate the fact that he looks like his father. "I'm really sorry Cara for bothering you." You say as you dropped Landon at Cara's place. "It's not a big deal Y/N. Besides Sera needs a play-date." She says and winks at you and you both laughed. Sera is Cara's daughter, she's same age as your son. Both three years old. You turned to your son. "Baby, Mommy's going to work okay." You say and he nods. "Be a good boy to Aunt Cara and Sera, okay?" you say and he nods again. "I'll pick you up later okay?" you say and he nods in response. "Okay baby, have fun. Bye." You say and kissed his cheek. "Bye Mommy." He said to you and you got into the car. You are a make-up artist and your friend asked you to do a favour because she was sick. She wanted you to take her place for a while. You agreed to and now you're on your way to hell I mean work. You got there and you saw staffs and everyone setting up the venue of the photo shoot. Someone walked up to you, "Y/N Y/L right?" you nod in response. "Follow me." And you followed the staff. You were lead to a tent and you saw them, the boys. They saw you and didn't tell anything. You started with your work. And you were so happy when you are finished, I mean you have mixed emotions like you wanted to talk to them, you wanna slap and punch Luke. On the other hand, Landon was doing fine. He likes to play with Sera and he's not being that annoying. "Landon, what's wrong?" Cara asked him as he noticed that he's just sitting there. "I... I want Mommy." He cried to her. "Okay, okay. Landon. Stop crying. I'll call your Mommy okay?" she said and Landon nodded. "Come on Y/N... Pick up the phone." She said frustrating and redialled you again for the 10th time. You left Cara with no choice. "Landon, let's go. We're going to see your Mommy. Let's go Sera." She said and Landon lit up like a light bulb. They got to the venue and Landon was holding a cup from Starbucks just for you but he tripped over something and spilled the coffee to a blonde lady. "What the heeeeeellllll!!" she screamed. Everyone was startled because of her. "You little...." he walked up to Landon and pinched him on the arm. Landon cried in pain. "Do you know how much this dress has caused me and you're just going to ruin it." She said and was trying to hit him when you came. "Try to hit my son and I'll hit your sorry ass face." You said. She looked at you and you recognized her. "I know you." You said to her and she smiled there like an ass. "We meet again." She said and crossed her arm. "Baby, go to Aunt Cara okay." You said to your weeping son and kissed him. "What's your fucking problem?" you asked her. "He just ruined my dress. I've paid thousand for this." She said. "That dress is so last season. I've seen it on Vouge a year ago." You said and chuckled. "And it's not a valid reason to hurt a child because of that, you self-righteous bitch. I could sue you hoe." You told her. She just glared at you. You got your check book and wrote her a check. "Here. Take this and buy yourself decent clothes." You tell her and throw the check at her. "What's happening?" Luke suddenly shows up. "Oh babe... This girl is being mean to me. Her son spilled coffee on my dress, he ruined it. She threatened me that she'll hit me and I'm so scrared." 'Oh god. Really bitch? Really?' you thought for yourself. "What's wrong with you Y/N?" he looks at you angry. "I'm done with here." You said and walked away. God, like what the hell?

Michael: 3 years later. "Y/N?" Mindy called "Yeah Mindz?" you asked her. "It's been three years." She said. "So?" you said and raised an eyebrow at her. "He has the rights to know sis." She says at you. "Mackenzie, she's growing fast. And she needs a father. HER FATHER." She emphasized the last two words. "You need to get over with it." She said and you just shook your head. "You don't understand me because you never got into my situation. You have John. He's so perfect and everything Mindy." You said and sighed. "He also cheated on me Y/N." She said and looked at you. "But I've decided to forgive him and everything went well." She said. "I don't want my niece to have a broken family. I don't want her to feel what we felt." She said and hugged you. You and your three year old daughter Mackenzie was out shopping for some stuffs. You both were walking when you noticed that Calum and Michael are walking to your direction. You are not ready to face Michael yet, even three years had passed. Your heart still hurts when you look at him. You always remember that day. The porch, what you saw and everything. "Baby, let's go this way." You said to your daughter and detoured so that they won't see you. But you didn't noticed that Mackenzie wandered off because you got a call and she gets easily distracted by things. She was walking when she stopped because she saw a ball. She got the ball and she giggled. "Hey there." Calum said and picked up Mackenzie. "Hey Calum, who's that kid?" Michael asked as he went to Calum. "I don't know, but she kinda looks like you Mike." He said and looked at Mackenzie then to Michael. Michael looked at Mackenzie and she smiled at Michael then extended her arms to him. Michael took her and Mackenzie clinged her arm to him, "Daddy." She said and kissed his cheek.

Ashton: After 7 years. You gave birth to a healthy baby boy and you named him Aiden. Aiden had given you strength and happiness. He became your reason to live and keep moving on. You got through your pregnancy all alone with no one to help you. "Hi Mommy!" Aiden says to you as he got into the car. "Hey baby. How's school?" You asked him. "It's fine mommy, we learned many things and our teacher gave us some homework and I actually love math." He says and you cringed your nose when you heard him saying he likes math. "Baby, I'll be just buying some coffee okay?" you tell him as you parked your car at Starbucks. He just nods at you. You got out of the car and went inside. You spotted Ashton, the guy you hated. And the blonde bitch. "So they got together huh?" you said to yourself and went to the counter getting unnoticed. You ordered your coffee and waited to be called, there are like 8 orders before you. You sad down on one of the chair while you wait. "Y/N?" you looked up and it was Ashton. "fuck."you mumbled under your breathe. "What do you want?" you asked him a bit annoyed. "What are you doing here?" he asked you. "Like duh, buying a coffee." You said and looked on a different direction. You stood up and went to the restroom, Ashton followed you and he grabbed your arm then he kissed you. You didn't know why but all the anger and grudge instantly flew away. You pulled away and slapped him "What the hell Ashton?!" you yelled at him. "Y/N, I'm sorry for what I did. I'm really sorry." He said. "Sorry my ass. Look at there, you're with that blonde bitch again just like where I left you seven years ago Ashton. I'm fucking tired with this okay!" you yelled and tried to walk away but he grabbed you and hugged you. "You little bitch.." you heard someone and you felt a stinging pain on your cheek. It was the blonde bitch. "Step away from my Man!" she yelled at you. "You can have him whore, since you like left-overs." You said and smiled at her. She got offended and she pulled your hair and you just realized that you are both on a cat fight.

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