Escape- Chapter 1

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  (Y/N)= YOUR NAME                                                                                                                                                            

 (H/C)= HAIR COLOR                                                                                                                                                           

  (E/C)= EYE COLOR                                                                                                                                                               

 (A/N)= AUTHOR'S NOTE                       




I slowly opened my eyes and sat up in my fancy bed looking around my room feeling a little dazed. I rubbed my eyes with the palm of my hand as my eyes finally started to come to focus. My room was set up in a very neat way.  My bed is placed right in the middle of my back wall,(a/n), btw your room is in the perfect shape of a square) there is a night stand on each side of my bed, along with a huge window on each side as well. Then right from the end of my bed to the wall is a dresser and vanity, right next to that is a door. Now may I remind you that everything in my room is fancy and clean, because I am a princess...yes, a princess, but the sad thing is, is I am the princess of King Gorge III.... I did not like my father at all, or my mother. My mother would beat and abuse me for not being the perfect girl she wanted, and my father just didn't care. I was just about to get from my bed to greet my father when there was a knock on my bedroom door. 

"Come in!" I shouted sounding sleepy. The door swung open leaving a squeaking sound. 

"Ah, miss (y/n)'re already up." said the man in my door way.  This man was my fathers servant, every morning he is required to wake me up.  He seemed a little surprised today though...probably because I was awake before he even had to tell me to get up. 

"Yeah I'm up..." I said depressingly. The man, know as Henry, nodded and left my room closing the door. I sighed and got up from my bed heading to the bathroom that was to the left of me. I showered, brushed my hair, and changed into a light blue and yellow dress my mother bought me. I always thought it was ugly, she has a very bad taste in clothing...well a bad taste in everything actually. 

As soon as I was ready, I opened my bedroom door to go greet my father, i'm forced to that every day. I had to walk down a very long hall way that had doors leading to random rooms everywhere. The walls were covered with painting, very old paintings, and a long red velvet rug ran down the entire hallway.  When I reached the end of the hallway, to my right was a wide stairway that lead to the throne room, the place where my father sits everyday at 6:30 in the morning. When I was at the last step of the staircase, I could see my father talking to his servant while sitting there loyally at his huge fancy throne chair. The chair was tall and huge, with a few steps that connected to the bottom of it. And a long red rug like the one in the hallway leading from his chair to the entrance way of the castle.  The servant walked away, so I went up to my father. 

"Good morning father." I said as I curtsied. 

"I need to talk to you." he said blankly without even saying good morning, but he never does. I cocked my head in confusion. 

"As you may know, the war is coming soon and I need you to take action a long with the rest of my army." He said while taking a sip of wine from a gold goblet that sat on a small table next to him. 

"D-do you mean fight?" I said stuttering. 

"Yes, we will give you a uniform and you will fight in the war, and the war starts in 2 weeks so I have someone who will be training you.  You will meet him later." He said while taking another sip of wine. 

"B-but father, what if I get shot! are you saying you don't care if I do!" I said bluntly. 

"Well I need more men in my army so I could honestly care less either way." He said while making hand gestures. 

"I can't believe you! You're just like mom, neither of you would give a crap if I died right here, right now!" I shouted as I cried. 

"We are done with this conversation, now go do you're British homework!" He yelled at me. 

"But dad! Why would you make me do this! Not just because i'm a girl but also because I'm your-

"I said we are done with this conversation!" He yelled as he slammed his fist on the table holding the wine next to him.  Tears ran down my face as I ran away back up the steps and down the long hallway till I got to my room. I slammed the door and jumped in my bed covering my face with my arms while sobbing into my pillow. After 5 minutes of crying, I sat up in my bed talking to myself. 

"That's it! I can't stay here any longer, tonight I will escape to midtown Manhattan and start a new life!" I said quietly but while still shouting. I got up from my bed and pulled a bag out from under it, and placed it on top of my bed. I was about to walk over to my dresser to get clothes till my mother walked in holding about 3 uniforms. I quickly covered the bag with my sheets before she could see it.

"This is your uniform, you will be wearing it for the next 2 weeks so you can get used to it. So I will be taking all your dresses till the war is won." said my mother with no expression at all. she threw the 3 uniforms in my arms and walked over to my dresser taking all the dresses I had. Without letting me say anything, she walked out of my room closing the door.  

" I have no clothes to wear except for these stupid uniforms...but if I get caught wearing this out there, then I will be dead so i'm gunna have to wear my cloak over me." I said as I placed the red uniforms in my bag. I then walked over and grabbed my black cloak that was hanging from a hanger next to my vanity. After that I walked into my bathroom getting my brush and hair clips.  I then walked to my vanity taking with me the only necklace I had.  That's the only piece of jewelry I owned because my mother took it all for her self, she told me before that I was not pretty enough to wear jewelry. Ignoring that sad memory, I put all the stuff I picked up and shoved them into the bag. I closed the bag shut and slid it back under my bed till it was late enough for me to escape.  

I just got done eating dinner, I was all tired out from training with the guy my dad introduced me to today. I went to my room and changed into my sleeping gown, and threw the light blue and yellow dress on top of my dresser. I then got into my bed to get a few hours of sleep until it was time to begin my escape. 

"See you tomorrow Manhattan..." I said softly as I drifted into a deep sleep. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     WELP THAT'S THE FIRST CHAPTER! SORRY IT WAS SHORT, BUT I AM ABOUT TO START THE NEXT CHAPTER AND HOPEFULLY HAVE IT UP TODAY (july 2) BUT WE WILL SEE IF I GET IT DONE IN TIME. 


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