Bravery- Chapter 14

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I jumped off my horse and looked at all of the faces that starred at me. Some discussed, Some angry, and very few happy. I sighed and walked over to my once before tent to grab a few things and go. I then felt someone grab my shoulder. 

"Miss (Y/n)." said George Washington.  Without saying anything, I saluted to him.  "Will you stay?" he asked me. 

"W-what..." I mumbled. "I thought women weren't aloud to be in the war, sir..." 

"Well you showed impressive bravery and very well bow skills...and you have obviously been through a I figured, why have such a powerful, strong independent women leave?...just because you're a girl does not mean you can't be strong like a man. I learned that from you." He smiled.  I smiled back. 

"I would be honored." I once again saluted, and he did the same while walking off.

"I couldn't  help but overhear!" yelled Lafayette from behind me. "Congrats on staying!" said Hercules who was also behind me. 

"Thanks guys!" I ran up and hugged them both. "Although...I think people will hate me now that they know I'm the daughter of King George III...." I said while looking down. 

"Ah, don't worry about that!" said Lafayette. "We'll make sure nothing happens!" I smiled and nodded. 

"Wait...where is John!?" I asked while grabbing the sleeve of Lafayette's blue jacket. 

"He's in his tent..." said Alex as he walked up joining the conversation. 

"Thanks Alex!" I hugged him then ran off to John's tent. When I reached it, which was tent number 24, I slowly opened the flap to see him at his desk with his head down. I frowned a little at how worried he must've been. 

"John?..." I whispered as I walked in. he slowly lifted his head up.  When he did I smiled and he quickly got up from his desk to run over and hug me.

"(y/n) you're ok!" he cried. 

"Of course I am!" I chuckled a little. 

"Did they hurt you!" he pulled away from the hug and looked down at me with a serious face. His eyes were all red and puffy, and his hair was a mess. 

"Don't worry John I'm fine...well besides the arrow that was shot in my shoulder." I mumbled.  

"Thank God!" he said smiling. He then leaned in and kissed my lips. I put my arms around his neck as he put his around my waist. We were like that for a few until he pulled away from the kiss. 

"Come on...let's go to the medic tent to get you're shoulder checked." he said. I nodded and we walked out of the tent holding hands. 

                                                                         ***A FEW HOURS LATER***

 John left the tent to go hang around with the others, and when the Doctor was done wrapping my shoulder with a bandage, I went to join them. But I didn't see them anywhere. I then spotted Burr about to walk in his tent, I quickly ran up to him. 

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