Savior- Chapter 13

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I was frozen....I couldn't move...we weren't prepared, and now (y/n) is gone....what if she is dead? what will her father do with her? thoughts were interrupted by Alex. 

"John! Snap out of it, we need to come up with a way to get (y/n) back!" He said while shaking me. I nodded and turned to George Washington. 

"What do we do sir?!" I said.  He stood there for a moment. 

"Give me time to think...but I promise we will get her back." with that he walked back off to his tent. Everyone else besides me, Alex, Laf, Burr, and Hercules walked back off to there tents as well. Charles Lee was taken down to the medical tent to be treated. 

"Man...I can't believe that was (y/n)...." said Hercules as he scratched his head. I started to walk away. 

"John..." I felt a shoulder grab me. "Don't let this get to you...we'll save her..." said Lafayette. I starred at the ground and continued to walk back to my tent. 


I was on the back of a white stallion...with a red coat in front of me. My hands were tied into a not with a rope. I tried to get my hands free...but it was no use. 

"LET ME GO!" I yelled. 

"Shut it princess! Don't make us use force..." I lowered my head at how stupid I've been...and as soon as I knew it, we arrived at the castle...I looked at it with hate as I remembered the horrible memories I had here...

The man in front of me jumped off the horse, he was about to help me off the horse but I stopped him. 

"I can get up myself..." I growled. He rolled his eyes and held my hands behind my back. We now were about to enter the castle...I saw the brown wooded gate drop...And in the distance I saw the red long carpet...go long ways back....and ended as it reached a throne....where my father was sitting. My eyes widened and I started to sweat. What will he do with me...I thought. 

"Keep moving!" shouted one of the soldiers as they poked me with there spear. I shot him a look and kept walking. The entire time walking down the red carpet, I had my head down. until we stopped...and I could feel my fathers eyes burn through my head. 

"Well, well...look who it is..." he said in his evil king voice. "Look at me when I am talking to you child..." I obeyed, and looked up at him...I think he saw the pain in my eyes because I noticed he raised an eyebrow. 

"Ya'know me an you're mother are quite disappointed in you..." he said as he crossed his right leg over his left. 

"Honestly I'm quite surprised." I said calmly. 

"Why is that child..." he asked. 

"Well you guys never cared about me before...why is it all a sudden you actually give a shit!" I yelled. 

"Ugh, I cannot believe we are having this discussion again....guards, send her to the dungeon!" he yelled. "Oh and one more thing, I don't approve of that John Laurens you're with..." My eyes widened and I whipped my head towards him. 

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