Ball Outfits- Chapter 5

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                                                                        WHELP HERE IS CHAPTER 5!









"WHA-WHAT...." I shouted as I woke up from the voice of someone calling my name.  I saw Eliza hovered over me. 

"Hurry and get up!" she said happily.  

"Why?" I asked while yawning. 

"I told you yesterday that we would go get you a dress for the Winter's Ball! It's tomorrow, so get ready so that we can go meet Angelica!  

"Eliza...don't worry about getting me a dress! You've done enough for me...besides I already explained to you that Laurens probably didn't mean by what he said..." 

"But I talked to him this morning about it...He told me he meant every word!" 

"Fine...but please let this be the last thing you do for me!" I pleaded. 

"Oh, ok fine!" she said rolling her eyes. "Now let's go!" She grabbed me by both the arms and dragged me out of the bed, then pushing me into the bathroom. 

"I'll wait downstairs for you!" I herd her mumble through the door. I sighed and got ready. When I was done I walked down stairs.  Eliza never took the dress back, and since it was the only thing besides my red uniforms, I decided to wear it again. 

"I'm ready." I said as I confronted her. 

"Ok great, we just have to wait for my sister!" she said. 

"Is her name Angelica? The name you stated back in the bedroom?" I questioned. 

"Yes, she should be here any- OH! That must be her!" Eliza was cut off by the sound of the doorbell.  She walked over and the door swung open. 

"ANGELICA!" she yelled. 

"ELIZA!" yelled the girl behind the door. 

"Please come in, let me introduce you to (y/n)!" When Eliza moved out of the way, I could see a clear view of Angelica. She had chocolate brown skin, dark curly hair that was in a pony tail, and a huge wonderful smile. 

"You must be (y/n)?" she asked walking up to me, holding out her hand. 

"I am, It's very nice to meet you!" I said as I took her hand and shook it.  

"Eliza has told me so much about you! I do want to apologize for the way you were treated at your old home..." she said giving a reassuring smile. 

"O-oh...D-don't worry about that! I'm happier here!" I said while scratching the back of my neck.

"That's wonderful!" she said while cuffing her hands.  "We need to get going soon...before the streets get to busy!" she grabbed my hand and lead me out the door, with Eliza following behind.   


I'm walking down to Lafayette's house because the guys wanted to meet up there for some reason...When I approached his house, the door swung right open. 

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