Winter's Ball?- Chapter 4

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                                                                     CHAPTER 4! ENJOY!








Me and the guys have hung out for about 3 hours now.  And they were all completely drunk...Well except for me and Burr.  Burr didn't seem much of a drinker he just shook his head at how stupid they all were while sipping tea. And me?  Well I just didn't drink at all...I hated the taste of beer, so I just sat next to Burr watching Laurens dance on tables while singing a song about...Freedom?....I think. I couldn't really here the words from all the other people shouting at them.  

"Are they always like this?..." I asked feeling a little nervous at the fact that they could accidentally hurt themselves.  

"Pffft...yeah, all the time!" said Burr as he continued to sip his tea. I just sighed and continued to watch.  Then Laurens jumped of the table and came running over to me. 

"Hey (Y/n), will you go to the Winter's Ball with me?" he asked, sounding very hungover and drunk off his ass. 

"Winter's Ball?" I said in confusion. 

"Yeah, It's just a little ball coming up in a few days before the revolutionary war begins." said Burr.  After he told me, I turned my attention back to Laurens. 

"John...Is that you or the beer talking!" I said giving a little laugh. 

"Both.." he said as he took another chug from his cup. I blushed and looked down. 

"Umm...Yeah sure I'll go with you." I said smiling. 

"WAAHOO!" he shouted and ran back over to the table he was on before and started dancing again. I threw my head down in annoyance 

"Ugh, I wanna go home...I'm already tired of the singing and screaming!" I wined and covered my head with my hands. I then felt a hand rest on my shoulder. 

"Would you like me to take you back to Eliza's?" asked Burr as I looked up at him.  

"Sure, If you don't mind...But what about those guys?" I said as I pointed to the drunk idiots. 

"Don't worry about them, there are some days where I'm not here at the bar with them...and they find there ways home just fine." he said. I nodded and we both got up to leave. 

"Does your leg still hurt?" he said as we walked down the quiet dark street.

"No, not much anymore..." I said softly. He nodded and we continued to walk till we reached the house. 

"Thank you so much Burr for walking me home!" I said as I hugged him. 

"Hey no problem!" he said as he started to walk off.  "I'll see you tomorrow!" He waved at me and I waved back. 

"Good night!" I shouted. I then opened the door and saw Eliza on the couch reading a book. 

"Hello Eliza." I said as I closed the door.  She jumped up off the couch and walked over to me. 

"Hello (y/n)! Where is Alexander?" she said tilting her head a little. 

"Still down at the bar with the rest of the gang..." I answered. 

"Of course he is..." she sighed.  "Would you like something to eat?" She asked nicely. 

"N-no thanks, I already ate at the bar." I said stuttering.  She nodded and walked off into the kitchen. I followed her in there. 

"So Alexander said I would be able to stay here a that correct?" I asked, feeling a little nervous to. 

"Yes of course, stay here as long as you need to!" She said as she cleaned dishes. 

"Why are you guys being so nice to me? letting me stay here..." I asked getting a little annoyed. 

"Well we love to help out anyone who needs it...and besides, it's nice to have company here while Alex is off doing stuff."  

 "What do you mean?" I questioned. 

"Well Alex is always at the bar or writing...he doesn't really have time for me..." she said while her attention was still on the dishes.  "And since he will be joining the war...that's just even more time he will be away from me..." she said sadly. 

"Wait, are the other guys joining the war too?!" I asked sounding scared.  she nodded but looked a little concerned because I was.  I bit my nails in fear. 

"Is everything alright?" she asked looking up. 

"Well...even though I just met him...I kinda have grown fond of John...he even asked me to the Winter's Ball, but that might've just been his drunk side..." I grinned and  shot a look at Eliza. Her eyes lit up when I said that John had asked me to the Winter's Ball. 

"We need to get you a dress and do your hair and everything!" she gasped in astonishment. She grabbed my arm and smiled at me. 

"B-but what if he was just drunk!?" I said worryingly. 

"Nonsense, tomorrow me and my sister's will take you shopping!" She screamed. 

Sister's? I thought. I quickly pushed that thought out of my head. 

"E-Eliza your missing the point..." I said as I hung my head down.  "I don't want John to die in the the war..." 

"Aww...don't worry (y/n)...he will be fine." she came over and hugged me.  "Trust me...I get scared to when Alex leaves for things like that...but he always comes home at the end of the day...alive..." she pulled away from the hug and smiled at me. I gave her a warm smile back. 

"Why don't you go get ready for bed, I bet you're exhausted!" she laughed.  "You're room will be the first one you come to when you go up the stairs." 

"Thank you very much." I said as I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs.  I walked into my room and closed the door.  I noticed that my bag was laying on the bed.  Eliza must have put it here...I thought.  I took the night gown I had on earlier and changed into it, leaving the dress on the dresser for Eliza to take back. I then jumped straight on my comfy bed and fell straight to a deep sleep... 




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