On Our Way to South Carolina!- Chapter 15

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I woke up rubbing my eyes tiredly, I quickly got up and changed into my uniform and left the tent. I then headed over to the weapon rack and grabbed my bow. I set up a few dummies, and began to practice my bow skills. Judging by how it looked outside, it had to be about 5:30 in the morning...so I had to try and be quiet so that I wouldn't wake anyone up.  I trained for about 20 minutes using the three arrows at a time trick,  So I decided to try it with 4 arrows instead, and surprisingly it worked! 

"You're really getting the hang of that bow." said someone beside me. I turned my head slightly to see who it was. 

"Herc? what are you doing up?" I asked while putting down my bow. 

"I thought I would come watch you train...and maybe help you a bit." he said. 

"Well be my guest." I said as I brought my bow back up to my face and shot a few more arrows. 

"Ya'know you should try using a sword." he suggested as he took a seat in the grass. 

"No, no ,no!" I said sounding very worried. 

"What's wrong with swords?" he questioned. 

"I'm not really good with swords...My father signed me up with a trainer before I escaped, and we used swords that day....but let's just say it didn't go very well." I said while scratching the back of my neck. 

"I see.." he said.  I decided to take a break, so I went over and sat next to Hercules. 

"So what are you going to do with you're life if we win the the war?" I asked him while I starred up at the few stars that remained in the sky. 

"Hm...probably just continue to work as a tailor in  New York." he answered.   

"So we can still hang out right?" 

"Of course!" he laughed. I smiled and laid down in the grass while continuing to look up at the sky. Hercules did the same.

(a/n), So I'm changing something again....Instead of Hercules going off to do his own thing or whatever, he is actually still going to be hanging out with you/reader, John,  and Alex...that way the only person missing from the squad is Lafayette...but don't worry, Laf will be back soon!)

We laid there for about 5 minutes until I finally got up to continue training. 

"Hey Herc?" I said. 


"Do you know any attack moves? Ya'know with my body?" I asked. 

"I know of one...would you like me to show you?" I nodded and he got up off the ground and walked in front of me. "Ok so let's say i'm you, and you're a British troop...and you are holding a gun up to me." I nodded to show him I was understanding. 

"Now before I continue, are you ok with getting a little hurt?" he asked. 

"I can take it." I said calmly. He nodded and continued. 

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