We Won!- Chapter 17

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"Nice to meet you Tyler Holman!" I said as I shook his hand. "I'm actually in need of you're help!" He gave me a confused look, so I continued. "I noticed how sad you're girls were, and I felt bad for them....so I want to help them get the freedom they deserve!" I could see his face light up with happiness. 

"Y-you mean you'll save my girls!" I nodded and he hugged me.  "Thank you so much!" he cried. 

"First things first, is there any way that you can contact you're daughters?" I asked. 

"Yes, everyday I am aloud to visit them for only 10min...." 

"Great, when you see them next, tell them to come here in exactly a week....the war might be done by then. That way when we leave they can come with us...but there is something you need to do." I said while placing a hand on his shoulder. "You need to stay alive and fight for them...if you survive you will gain freedom, and will be free from you're masters to start a new life, but if you die...you obviously wont get freedom. And I'm sure you're daughters are going to need a father that they can start their new life with."

"I understand lieutenant!" he saluted and gave me one more hug.  He then ran away with happiness. I started to walk back for the tent. I kept thinking about how my plan could go wrong...in case something were to happen. I reached the opening of my tent and walked in...seeing John already up and dressed. 

"There you are! I was wondering where you went!" he said as he ran up to hug me, but I pushed him away like how he did it to me, I then went to sit at the desk. I pulled out more paper and began to write George Washington about my plan. 

"I'm sorry..." he sighed. "I've been thinking...I know you just want to help those girls and make sure they live the best life possible, so I wanna help, even though it's illegal..." he said as he came over to the chair placing a hand on my back. 

"Really?" I said surprised. He nodded and I jumped up to kiss him. I then began to tell him about there father and everything I planned. He agreed to it, and we both went back to sleep. 

                                           ****THE NEXT MORNING (DAY 2 IN SOUTH CAROLINA)****

I was outside talking with John until a troop walked up to us. 

"Excuse me, you have a letter lieutenant!" he said as he handed me the letter. 

"Oh this must be from George Washington! Thank you!" I said. He nodded and walked off. 

"What does it say?" asked Laurens. 

"T-they are already engaged in battle..." I said sadly. 

"Then that must mean they will come for us soon" He said worrying.    


"Then let's get ready!" I nodded and we announced for everyone to get into their formations. I grabbed my bow and arrows, while Laurens gathered up the horses. He handed me mind and  I jumped on. 

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