The Adams Administration- Chapter 36

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A month has passed since George Washington left, and things have been getting out of control. Burr, Jefferson, and Madison have been trying there hardest to ruin Alexanders reputation. Meanwhile, Alex has been working his butt off to make sure that won't happen. I honestly feel very bad for him, so I try to help but he just shoos me away, and says he has everything under control. Even though he really doesn't. As for John, he also has been helping Alex. But know one knows except for me and Eliza. He also continues to work on essay's against slavery. Whenever I can, I help John with that. But I mostly have just been taking care of Jessica, and sometimes Philip and  Angelica when Eliza needs me too. 

I sat Jessica down in her cot for a nap, while I walked to my room to check up on John. 

"Hey, honey! Is everything going okay?" I asked as I opened the door. 

"Ugh...for the most part it is. But I'm so damn tired...I don't know how Alex can stay up so late to do this crap..." He moaned. 

"Then why don't you rest?" I suggested as I walked over to him at his desk chair and rubbed his shoulders. 

"Yeah...maybe you're right." he mumbled. I smiled and kissed his cheek before I went back downstairs. I noticed Eliza was talking with Philip on the couch. I didn't want to bother them, so I was gonna head to the kitchen to get something to eat. 

"(Y/n)!" I heard Philip call. I stopped and turned around. 

"Yes, Philip?" I said. 

"Can I get some...advice from you?" He asked me shyly. 

"From me? Of course!" I said happily. Eliza stood up and made her way for the kitchen. I took her spot next to Philip. "What do you need?"

"Well, I graduate collage in a few months...and there's this girl I like...I want to tell her so badly before I graduate but I don't know how..." He mumbled. (a/n, I KNOW HE WAS 10 LIKE NOT LONG AGO...BUT I MESSED UP SO JUST ROLL WITH IT!!)

"Well what did Eliza say?" I questioned. 

"She just told me to be myself. But I wanted to hear what you had to say." 

"Hmm, What's her name?" I asked. 

"Theodosia Burr...she's an angel!" Philip said dreamily. 

"Theodosia Burr! That's Aaron Burr's daughter..." I mumbled. 

"I know, and I know it's wired to say I like her at a time like this...but..." He stopped. 

"You didn't tell your father...did you?" I questioned. 

"No, because I know he would flip out..." He sighed. 

"You're right...he would!" I laughed. 

"Please help me!" Philip begged. 

"Okay, okay, I will!" I chuckled. 

"First things first, don't ever tell Alex until this whole mess is over with. He'll have a heart attack if you do. Secondly, get to know her a little, try to learn what she's interested in!"

"The only thing I know so far, is that she likes animals." he said. 

"Oh, so you've already talked to her before?" I asked. 

"Yeah, we're friends at the moment." 

"Great! Then this makes things easier!" I clapped. 

"How?" asked Philip. 

"Your father is leaving for The Adams Administration in a few, so you should invite Theodosia over! And maybe show her John's turtles. I'm sure she'll like that!" 

"That's...actually not a bad idea!" Philip agreed.  

"Ooo! You're inviting a girl over!" I heard a voice from behind us say. I looked behind me to see Angelica (Eliza's daughter) standing over us. 

"How long have you've been there!" Philip yelled. 

"Long enough to know you like someone!" she laughed. 

"Don't tell dad!" Philip begged." 

"I won't!" she laughed again. Suddenly Alex came from downstairs. He walked towards the door. 

"I'm leaving for The Adams Administration, I'll be back later!" Alex waved to us. 

"Okay, good luck!" I waved back. 

"Thanks, I'll need it!" Alex rolled his eyes. He left and Philip quickly got up off the couch. 

"Thank you (Y/n) for the help!" he said. 

"Of course! If you need anything else, I'm always free for you to ask." He nodded as he also went towards the door. 

"Wait..won't Mr. Burr be home?" he asked himself. 

"No, he's also at The Adams Administration." I reassured him. 

"Oh, okay! Thank's again!" I nodded as he left the house to go to Theodosia's to bring her over.  


Alex came home, very soon after Theodosia went home. He looked gloomy, and upset. So I approached him about it. 

"Hey, Alex. Is everything alright?"

"Huh, oh..yeah everything's fine." He sighed. 

"It doesn't seem like it." I mumbled.

"Sorry, it's just been a stressful day..." He chuckled falsely. I smiled a little and placed my right hand on his shoulder. 

"I promise this will blow over soon! Especially with a little bit of help!" I cheered. 

"How do you always stay so positive..." Alex smiled. I smirked and began to leave the room, until he stopped me. "Hey...just a little word of advice. Don't make bad decisions... like the way I have" His smiled quickly faded to a frown. 

"Alex?..." But before I could say anymore, he went upstairs. "Hmm I wonder what he meant by that..." 




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