Unexpected Surprise- Chapter 31

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I shifted and turned in the bed as I tried to find the body of my husband so I could snuggled up close to him...but I couldn't feel him. I opened my eyes and sat up in bed. I looked to my left, and he wasn't there. I then looked in front of me to see his standing over by my dresser. 

"John, what are you doing?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes. He turned around with a startling expression. 

"Oh, good morning dear! I was just feeding my turtles!" he said proudly. 

"You're turtles?" I questioned. 

"Yes, look." He said as he moved to the side, revealing a glass aquarium with three little turtles in it. 

"John, you brought you're turtles here!" i shouted as I put my hands on my head. 

"Yes! what...did you really think I would leave them?" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and laid back down. 

"Just don't let Alex or Eliza find out about them. They might not like the idea of pets." I told him. He nodded as he came back to bed and laid down. I shifted over and wrapped my arms around him as I snuggled closer. 

"So what should we do today?" asked John. 

"Hmm...I dunno." I mumbled. Suddenly me and John both heard our names being called from downstairs. 

"John!...(Y/n)!..Please come down here!" as soon as I heard Eliza's voice, I quickly looked down at John as we both jumped out of bed. I ran down the steps in a blue and white nightgown, as John was wearing a simple t-shirt and pants. 

"Eliza, is everything okay?" I asked as I hit the last step of the stair case. 

"Well...depends." she started. 

"Well what's wrong?" asked John. 

"I woke up this morning and opened the door, only to find 'this' on my doorstep..." Eliza said as she made her way over to a basket that rested down by the door with a blue blanket in it. My left eyebrow rose in confusion. Then my eyes widened when she handed me the basket. I looked down only to see the cutest baby with black hair and teal-blue eyes. 

"Eliza...who's baby is this?!" I yelled. 

"I'm not sure...she was just left on the doorstep all alone. No note, no nothing." she sighed. 

"She's defiantly cute though!" John said as he tickled her cheek with his finger. 

"So, what do we do?" I asked. 

"I was think we shout put up fliers around town, and wait a week." 

"What if no one claims her?" John questioned. 

"We'll wait and see until that time comes...right now I think we should start on fliers." Me and John both nodded as I picked the baby up out of the basket. The baby laughed and giggled as I poked her cute smile. 

"Aww! She's so cute!" I confessed. 

"I'll let Alex take care of her while we work." Eliza said as she took the baby and went upstairs. 

"Hey (Y/n), I actually have to start writing." John said as he skratched his neck. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Remember, I help Alex write essays against slavery."

"Oh...that's right." I said depressingly. 

"Hey..." John said as he lifted my chin. "I'll try to be down later to help." He then placed a kiss on my lips as he went back up the steps. I sighed and waited in the kitchen for Eliza. 


Me and Eliza finally finished writing all the fliers after 3 hours. I sat down my quill as I slouched in my chair. 

"Finally, where done!" I sighed.  

"Mhm." Eliza mumbled as she gathered all the papers. John suddenly came running down the steps. 

"Hey dear, I'm running to the store. Do you need anything?" he asked as he gripped the handle of the door. 

"No, but while you're out could you pass out these fliers?" I asked. 

"Of course!" John walked up to Eliza as she handed him the papers. "I'll be back soon!" John waved as he left the house while waving. 

"Alright." I said as I got up from my seat. I walked up the stair case as I made my way for Alex's room. I knocked and quickly heard a very tired Alex. 

"Come in..." He mumbled sheepishly. I opened the door slowly as I noticed Alex at his desk with a quill. He didn't look up from his work to see who I was. 

"Hey Alex, how you doing?" I asked. 

"Fine...I'm just, really tired." he yawned. 

"Then why don't you take a break and get some rest!" I argued. 

"Ugh, maybe you're right..." he sighed. 

"Anyway, I'm here to get the baby." I told him. 

"She's in Philip's old cot over there." he said as he used his thumb to point behind himself. I walked over to the cot and picked up the baby. "You know, you and John should adopt her if you can't find her parents." 

"Alex, don't be ridicules...she's defiantly got to have parents out there some were, looking for her." I complied. 

"Then explain to me why she was left on our door step in a basket..." Alex said as he turned around in his chair and rested his elbow on the desk, followed by this cheek. 

"Uh, well..." I started. 

"See, even if she does have parent's some were out there, the obviously didn't want her." he said as he turned back around in his chair. 

"I dunno, I'll bring it up with John to see what he thinks..." I sighed. 

"Do as you please..." Alex sighed. I nodded as I walked out of his room while holding the little bundle of joy~




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