New Friends- Chapter 3

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                                         LET'S PRAY THIS CHAPTER IS BETTER THAN THE LAST ONE....







 YOU/READER'S POV:                                                                                                                                                                                    

When we finally reached Alex's house, Laurens walked in and sat me down on the couch as Alex went to tell his wife that they had visitors. 

"So what are your names?..." I asked suddenly. 

"I'm John Laurens." said the man how carried me. 

"I'm Aaron Burr." said the dark brown skinned man as he waved. I waved back. 

"I'm Marquis de Lafayette, but you can just call me Lafayette! It's a pleasure to meet you madame." He said as he walked over and kissed my hand. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you too sir!" I said happily.

"And i'm Hercules Mulligan!" this guy was very different from the rest, he was bigger and more muscular. He also had a band around his head.  "Oh and the guy that walked off is Alexander Hamilton." 

"It's very nice to meet you all!" I said as Alex came in the room with his wife. 

"(y/n), this is my wife Eliza." He said with an arm around her. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you your highness." she said as she curtsied. 

"Oh you guys don't have to treat me as royalty, I-i really rather not be reminded that I am..." I said shyly.  Eliza nodded and held out her hand. 

"Follow me, I will get you a dress." she said happily. I nodded but remembered I couldn't walk. 

"I'll carry you upstairs." said Laurens as he picked me up again. Eliza, me, and Laurens all went upstairs.  

"Just set her on the bed in that room over there." said Eliza as she pointed to the first room Laurens came to. He nodded as Eliza opened the door for him. "I'll be right back with a dress. He gently laid me on the bed.

"Do you need anything?" he asked looking down.  I shook my head no and he pulled up a chair from the corner of the room and sat beside me.

"So me and the guys were gunna go get a drink later...would you like to come with us?" He asked while he scratched the back of his neck.  

"I'd love to! well if my leg feels any better..." I said.  He nodded and Eliza walked in the room holding a really pretty flower dress. ( there is a pic of the dress below)

 ( there is a pic of the dress below)

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