Paris- Chapter 22

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                                                                      ***5 YEARS LATER***


It has officially been 5 years....and me and John have grown closer together ever since...Philip is now 5 years of age, and Alex and Eliza have grown closer together too, Eliza actually gave birth to another baby named Angelica. We still meet with Hercules a lot, and from time to time we will see Burr. The only thing I still worry about to this day is what Lafayette is up too...he said he would visit and write but never has...I makes me wonder if something has happen to him....but I try my best not to think about it. 

It was around noon, and John was supposed to visit me soon. He told me he had a surprise for to pass time I decided to sit in the garden. I went over and sat at the same small stone bench I sat on years ago when Burr was taking care of me...right before the war started. I sat back on the bench, taking in the fresh air...that's when Eliza popped outside. 

"(y/n)...John is here!" she said happily. I smiled...and John came from behind her with a huge smile on his face. He came over and sat next to me as Eliza went back inside. 

"Hello Love!" he said as he kissed my cheek. 

"Hello!" I said back as I hugged him. "So what was the surprise you were gonna tell me about?"

"Ah, yes...well I was wondering if you would like to go to Paris with me for the summer!" He said, grabbing both of my hands. My face lit up with excitement. 

"Y-you're taking me to Paris!" I screamed with happiness. He nodded. 

"I also thought that while we would be there, we could try to find Lafayette!" I screamed as I hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you so much John!!" I cried. He hugged me back. 

"Anything for you!" he laughed. "We leave tomorrow at noon though, so make sure you're packed!" I gasped at how little time I had. I grabbed John by the wrist and pulled him inside. 

"Wait here on the couch while I go pack." I said as I lead him to the couch.

"Actually there was one more thing I wanted to ask...Is it okay if we bring Herc with us?" I opened my mouth to speak but John stopped me. "W-we don't have to bring him...It's just I figured Herc would like to visit Laf as well..." He scratched his the back of his neck as he spoke. 

"Sure! he can come along, I actually would like his company!" I said as I let go of his wrist. 

"Great! I'm gonna go tell him about it...I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up." He said as he leaned in and kissed me. I smiled and waved by to him as he left the house. I then ran upstairs to pack. 

                                                                   ***TIME SKIP TO DINNER***

I ran down the stairs to meet the Hamilton's at the table for dinner. I think they could see the excitement on my face, cause they all gave me a weird look. I sat down in a chair, not even realizing they were giving me weird looks. 

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