Freedom- Chapter 18

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After another day and a half, we made it to the docks. Alex must've spotted us because he alerted everyone about something. A cheer roared around the ships from our return. I told the soldiers to aboard the ships and they did, leaving me and John alone at the entrance of the dock. I jumped off my horse, and went to help John off his until... 

"(Y/N)!!!" I saw Herc running straight towards me. I quickly tried to get back on my horse cause I knew exactly what he was gonna do. But it was to late...he grabbed me and hugged the death outta me.

"Hercules you're gunna kill her!" laughed Burr as he got closer. 

"O-oh sorry about that!" Herc said to me. 

"Don't worry about it!" I said. I then ran over to Burr. "Nice to see you again!" 

"It's nice to see you too!" he bent down and kissed my hand. 

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Behind you... about to tackle you to the ground" he said blankly. 

"WHAT?" I yelled and turned around...but was tackled by Laf and Alex. 

"DAMN IT BURR WE WERE GONNA SCARE HER!" yelled Alex. Burr just stood there with a smirk on his face. 

"Aye, what happen to John?" asked Lafayette. 

"Oh right!" I said as I walked over to help him off the horse. "He was shot in a gun fight....but don't worry he will be ok." 

"Where did he get shot?" asked Alex. 

"The ribs..." John said as he held onto me for support. 

"It's kinda weird how the both of you have been hurt in the ribs." said Herc.  I laughed and we all made our way to the boats. After a few days we finally made it back home. The surviving soldiers went on with their lives, and we went on with ours. The first thing Me, Alex, and John did was go check up on Eliza...the others were at the bar waiting for us.  We walked up to the door step and walked in. I quickly set my bags down of the floor, but I caught a glimpse of Alex and John standing in the doorway with shock. I turned my head to the direction they were looking, which was the kitchen, and there sat Eliza at the dinner table rocking a baby! She was humming a lovely song while she fed the baby with a bottle. The other two were still in shock so I decided to say something.  

"Eliza?..." I said quietly. Her head shot up from looking down at the baby. 

"You guy's are back!" she cried as she got up from the table, holding the baby and running over to Alex. She hugged him desperately.  "I'm so glad you guys are alive!" she said as tears rolled down her face. 

"Eliza..." he said changing the subject. His eyes were glued to the baby that laid in Eliza's arms. "I...I'm so sorry...." he said while lowering his head. 

"For what dear?" Eliza said while placing a hand on his cheek. 

"For not being here for the birth...." 

Freedom- John Laurens x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now