First Kiss- Chapter 7

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I awoke with a sudden gasp when I realized tonight was the night of the ball. I jumped out of my bed, and quickly fixed it.  I was running to the bathroom when I noticed there were new dresses on my dresser that Eliza must've put there for me.  I grabbed one of them and continued to the to the bathroom. I fixed my hair and pulled on the dress, then headed down the stairs to meet Alex and Eliza at the table for breakfast. When I came down, I saw Eliza and Alex laughing and talking at the table. Eliza stopped when she caught a glimpse at me. 

"Good Morning (y/n)! Would you like something to eat.?" she said as she rose from her chair. 

"Yes please." I said nicely. 

"So are you excited for tonight!" she said clamping her hands together. 

"Yes! I can't wait, I just hope John is to..." I said as I took a seat next to Alex. I caught him giving me a smirk. "Wipe that smirk off your face!" I yelled at him. 

"You like him don't you?" he teased as he sipped his tea.  I gave him the death glare and tuned my attention to the bread Eliza placed in front of me. 

"Thank you Eliza!" I said as I started eating. 

"You're very welcome!" she said smiling.  She sat back down next to Alex.  Eliza and Alex continued to talk about the baby, writing, and other things, until I interrupted.  

"Uh, Alex can I ask a quick question?" I asked nervously. 

"Yeah sure, What's wrong?" he said putting down his tea cup.

"U-uh...I-is John going into t-the war?" I stuttered. 

"Sadly he is...including me..." He gave a sad smile. 

"(y/n)...I told you not to worry...he will be fine!" Eliza said while giving a reassuring smile. 

"This just proves my point more that you like him!" Alex said as he smirked again. I sighed and rested my head on my palm. Alex and Eliza talked a little more, then Alex had to leave.  He told me he wanted to ask Gorge Washington about being the general.  I didn't really thing he would let him at the time.  When he left I cleaned up the table. 

"What time is the Ball?" I asked Eliza. 

"I think it's at 5:30." she responded. 

"Ugh, I need to do something to kill time!" I said crossing my arms over my chest. 

"I was going to go take a walk in the garden, care to join me!" she said smiling. 

"Sure!" and with that we walked around in the garden while talking a little.   

                                                         ****TIME SKIP CAUSE I'M LAZY*****

When it was finally around 5:00, I placed my book I was reading on the table and ran upstairs to change into the new dress we bought yesterday.  Eliza told me Angelica and her other sister Peggy were going to, but they are coming here first to help me do my hair.  While I was changing, I herd a knock on the door.  I hurried and ran down the stairs to see Angelica and Peggy. 

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