I'm sorry...- Chapter 21

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I watched as (y/n) yelled at me...the look in her eyes scared me..she looked so upset and hurt. She ran out the door and I ran after her...with Hercules following behind me. 

"(y/n) please stop!" I yelled as I continued to run after her. 

"Leave me alone!" she shouted. But I didn't...I kept following her till she fell over a rock and landed on the ground. 

"(y/n)! Are you alright!" I said as I tried to help her up. 

"Stop! Just stop! I don't wanna talk right now..." She said as she got up by herself. 

"Look...I'm sorry...I-" she interrupted me. 

"John...for the last time...I don't want to talk!" she yelled as tears flowed down her face. I sighed and she ran off. Herc came up behind me. 

"Let's go John...just let her be for a while. I promise tomorrow this will all blow over." he said calmly. I nodded as I kept my head low...


I ran down streets until I got to Alex's house. I burst inside, drowning in tears...Alex was just coming down the stairs as I came in...so he quickly came over to me. I grabbed him and hugged him close. 

"(y/n)!...What's wrong?" he asked as he hugged me back. My hair and face was a mess...strands of hair was missing from my braid...and my face was covered in my tears. 

"Alex...you will never believe this!..." I cried into his shoulder. "John's parents own slaves!" I could feel Alex shiver as that sentence fell out of my mouth.  

"(y/n)..." he whispered. I released from the hug and looked up at him with my red puffy eyes. "I'm sorry you had to find that out....I know how much that topic means to you..." 

"Y-you knew?" I cried. He nodded slowly. I starred down at the floor. I then noticed Eliza running down the stairs. 

"Oh my god...what happened?" she asked. Alex pulled her aside and told her. She then came over and hugged me. 

"Come on...It's late." she smiled. "Let me take you to you're room." I nodded slowly and she took me upstairs. I walked in my room and sat down on the side of my bed. Eliza sat next to me. 

"I'm sorry...I was upset too when I found out." she sighed as she looked at the floor. 

"John probably hates me now...." I sobbed. 

"Why would he hate you?" Eliza said as she placed a hand on my back. 

"One, because I made a huge scene...and two because I made a big deal about it...It's not like he owned the slave...it was his parents...I overreacted!" I said sadly.  

"Don't pressure yourself...It's upsetting to see someone own a slave but that's just how the world is right now..." she gave me one last hug as she walked over to the door. "Oh and there was a letter for you today...it's on you're dresser." I nodded and she left the room while closing the door. I let out a heavy sigh...I walked over to the dresser, taking the letter then I went back and sat on my bed while crossing my legs. 

Freedom- John Laurens x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now