Runaway Daughter- Chapter 2

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                                                                          CHAPTER 2! LET'S DO THIS!








I woke up with chills running down my spine from the coldness of the night.  As soon as I realized what my plan was, I jumped out of bed taking my bag out from under it. I stopped and looked outside. From how dark it was, I could tell it was about 1 in the morning. Turning my attention back to the bag, I grabbed a uniform from it and changed.  I put my gown in the bag and pulled out my cloak.  As soon as I was all dressed, I closed the bag and headed for the window.  I took one quick look back at my room and sighed.  There was a tree that was right outside my window so I jumped on it, trying not to make a sound.  I then started to climb down the tree using the branches as support.  When I finally hit the ground, I ran from bush to bush, and tree to tree to not be seen by any guards.  When I finally was out of sight I headed towards a safe spot to sleep so that I could be ready to leave for the boat in the morning.  

I stumbled upon a tree that was high enough so that I wouldn't be seen from above.

"This looks like a good spot..." I said as I started to climb the tree. When I found a good branch to hold my weight, I made myself at home on it. I then huddled into a ball and went to sleep. 

                                                             *******THE NEXT MORNING******** 

When I finally awoke from my slumber, I quickly went down the tree so that I could each the boat in time.  I could see the boat from a distance over the hill I was on.  I smiled till I remembered I didn't have money, so I would have to sneak my way on the boat. 

I made my way down avoiding being seen. As I approached the boat I could see a man asking people for money, he was most likely the man you would hand the money over to for the boat ride.  When there was a good bunch of people in my way, I covered my head with my hood and swerved around them.  My attention was drawn to some luggage and boxes, so I quickly made my way over to them and squeezed in a tight spot to be hidden.  

"It's going to be a long ride..." I told myself softly. 

                                                                           *****TIME SKIP****

I was remembering the times I spent with my careless father and mean mother when I noticed people were getting off the boat.  I started to do the same method I used when I first got on.  When I was off, I took in the sweet fresh smells.

"Hello Manhattan!" I yelled. "And hello new life." I yelled again, but a bit more softer. I thought about where I should head first.  I spotted a restaurant not far from me, so I started to walk there. even though I had no money, I still thought that maybe someone would be nice enough to give me a little bit of food.  But I noticed as I was walking, that it felt someone was following me.  I turned around quickly only to be pummeled to the ground by 2 men. 

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