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Tearing Walls

A mind numbing pain spread through my body as I heard those words.
I dropped my phone, hearing it fall and shatter as it hit the floor.

Something I never thought I'd hear..
I slowly fumbled my way to my front door, opening it and sighing in shock.

It felt like my whole world had stopped and the only audible sound would be my heart, pounding in my throat said it were ringing in my ears.

"Liv? Hey, liv!" I heard Courtney call as I fell to the floor between our apartments.

The second my eyes met hers I let out a pained scream followed by a sharp gasp followed by short and quick distorted breaths.

"Olivia.." Courtney muttered as she fell to the floor in front of me, her hands grabbing mine.
My hands and arms felt numb from my excessive heavy breathing.
She tried to help me to my feet, but I felt weak and flimsy.

Tears poured down my cheeks as she finally got me standing.

I would have fallen back to the floor but I could feel her hands grip my shoulders, keeping me up.

Every beat my heart took felt like multiple stab wounds to my chest, or as if someone was using my aorta as a violin.

"Liv, liv!" I could hear her yell as she supported my weight.

I couldn't talk to her, I couldn't make out a word, I just continued to cry and loudly sob as I slowly fell to the floor.

"Olivia, what's wrong!" She called as she pulled me away from the floor and into her arms.
She held me close, one hand pressing me to her against my back and the other on the back of my head.

My sobbing quieted as she held me but I continued to cry.

"Liv? Please talk to me.." she said calmer.

"It- Its" I sobbed "its J- Ames" I wailed as she held me tighter.

"Oh, oh.." she replied she held me tighter.
"What happened? Is he okay-"
I dropped my head toward her chest as I shook my head, still sobbing.

I can't thank her enough, I'm just glad i had her right now..

"Here.. come inside" she offered.
I shook my head and attempted to push myself from her but was met with nothing but more tears and subtle dipping.

"Okay, okay.. then let's go into my apartment.." she sighed.
I couldn't be in my house right now..
"Here, there's a blanket on the couch." She explained as she opened her front door and led me inside, my legs shaking and feeling insteady as she sat me down.
I let out whimpers and sobs as she grabbed her blanket from behind me, she had wrapped it around my shoulders and tucked it into my arms.

"I-I'm so- sorry." I muttered, feeling my whole body jittering as I began loudly sobbing again.

As she knelt down infront of me.
A brief smile crossed her cheeks as she tucked stray stands of hair behind my ear, then wiped tears from my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry to hear." She smiled.

I nodded slowly, fewer tears dripping down my cheeks.

"Are you okay.?"
Her voice always soothes me, Courtney just knows how to talk to friends and how to comfort.

I nodded slowly before leaping forward and wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

She sighed again, hugging me back as I squeezed her.

"I love you, Liv. I'll always be here for you." She muttered as she reached for my phone.
She still held me as she called someone.

"Who're you calling?" I muttered, my face buried in her neck.

"Your work, you're taking that time off." She said happily.
I smiled as I closed my eyes.
I can stay with her forever, knowing she has me..

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