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I thought it was so sweet the way she'd let me curl in her lap.
How she took me out, kept me safe. The way she was so obvious that she would be willing to break her back if it meant helping me in any way.
I had my head on her lap as she glanced down at me, the sunset only barely visible through her living room window, yet visible enough that it illuminated her hair and cheek as she looked down at me.

It's took this long for me to realise this, yet at the same time it feel like it was only seconds ago that I met her..
Within such a short time I've never been so sure about anyone that I am her.

My phone buzzed, drawing my attention away from her eyes.
I clasped my phone seeing a message from Noah.
"Im coming over, will be at your place in ten minutes., sorry liv" I read out loud.
Courtney pouted.

"We'll all good days must end." She smiled, wholeheartedly.

"Yeah. Maybe we could catch up for dinner again?" I asked as I glanced back up at her.

"That would make it.. Every night this month." She laughed.

"Yeah" I giggled back. "Is that a yes?"

"It's an always" she shrugged back.
I smiled sitting up. Still clutching my phone.

"Make smart choices, don't forget who you're with"
"But, I'll see you later" she shrugged.

"Yeah" I smiled childishly as I walked out the door.
The second I stepped into the hallway I couldn't help but smile.
I clutched my phone to my chest as it felt like my ribs were caving in, I was so happy.
I leant against her door, biting my lip as i squeezed my eyes shut.
It was a glorious day.

I let out a small and subtle gasp as my phone vibrated in my hands, I pulled it from my chest reading a text from an unsaved number.
"It's so lonely without you here. :("
I raised my head, feeling my heart beat in my chest, I knew it was her.
I just sent a love heart in response and waited in my apartment.

After about fifteen minutes I heard a knock on my door.
I brushed my hand through my hair as I got up from my couch and walked towards the door.
As I opened it Noah stood in the doorway, holding a bouquet of white and purple flowers.

"Hey" he shrugged poorly.

"Hey." I said clasping the rim of the door.
He held out the flowers with a gloomy look.

"I'm sorry for being such an asshole, I know it's not my place to control you or who you hangou-" I cut him off as I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck.

He hugged my back, and I felt his muscles loosen.

"I'm sorry, Liv."

"Thank you, Noah," I smiled.

"I've just been jealous that I was losing my friend.." He sighed.

"Noah, you'll always be my best friend." I smiled.
He exhaled happily as I took the flowers.

"Now go home, I want to take a shower." I smirked.
He nodded and waved me off.
"Bye" I called as I closed the door.
I know it was wrong to lie to him, especially after he apologised to me, but it would start another argument if I said 'fuck off I'm having dinner with Courtney', now wouldn't it?

I placed the flowers down on the kitchen bench as I grabbed walked towards the window.
I stared out to the beautiful starts that crossed the sky, leaving it a inky blue and white.
I'm not sure why but as I stared out into the sky, I couldn't stop thinking about Courtney.
Brief flashbacks from the other night reminded me.
The way her hair flickered as we ran, her laugh as I tackled her, the way she twirled with me in her arms, the way we kissed at sunset..

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't block out the thought.
It made my heart race as I remembered how her eyes sparkled, and how she smiled.
I don't know if this was wrong of my but I was almost completely sure it was right.

I opened my door and ran out into the hall, unintentionally slamming it behind me as I ripped her door open.

I was gonna do it,. I could feel my heart race, as a smile grew on my lips once I saw her.

She had just gotten out of the shower and was heading to the stairs, her towers wrapped around her as she used an edge to dry her hair.

"Hey, I was gonna ask you." She began, but I stopped her as I walked over toward her, grabbing her cheeks as pressing my lips against hers, softly kissing her.

Her hands dropped from her hair as she gently caressed my cheek, pulling away.

"Olivia?" She queried, an eyebrow raised.

"Uh.. Yeah?" I shrugged nervously.

"Uh.." She began, as if to ask where this came from.

"I really like you, okay?" I stuttered.
"W-when you said remember who you're with I- I wanted it to be you."
She didn't reply, she brought her hand to the back of my head as she kissed me again.
I was.. Happy.

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