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More Hangovers

I woke up with a pulsing headache and no idea where I was.
What happened last night?
Ugh, Noah..

I pulled the nice warm covers off of me and realised I wasn't in my clothes.
Oh great, I hoo- no.. why am I on the couch?

I groaned as I sat up, clutching my head.

"Mornin'" a voice called from behind me, I jumped, startled and turned to see last nights bartender, leaning against a doorframe mixing sugar into his coffee.

"Hello.." I winged.

"How are you feeling?" He consoled me.

"Just.. peachy." I muffled.
"How are you, ... you?"

"Matt, again. And I'm great." He laughed as he walked over and handed me the coffee.
I thanked him as I sipped it.

"Um.. did we..?"


"Did I.."

"Vomit all over my truck and yourself. Yes."

"Oh.. sorry."

"It's okay. I'm just glad you didn't vomit on my carpet" he shrugged happily.

I briefly laughed, feeling my head pulse as I issue

"I'll get you some aspirin."

"Thank you!"
I sipped the coffee again and recalled a strange memory..
"Hey, uh.. I remember seeing a little girl.."

"You did" he called from his kitchen.

"Oh.. who was she?"

"That's my daughter, Marisa." He called as he began walking back.

"You have a daughter.?" I asked as he sat beside me and handed me the tablet.

"Yep, she's six" he smiled.

"Oh, where's her mother?" I asked taking the tablet.
"If you don't mind me asking."

He shrugged and thought to himself for a moment.
"I'll tell you another time." He sighed.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"Oh, please" I begged the man.

"And I have some spare clothes you can wear"

"Mans clothes?" I asked, hearing him almost immediately laugh.

"Uh, no.. lady's clothes" he called.
"You should fit into them, but you're tiny so.."

"Ah. Thank you?" I called, laughing.
He's so nice, ugh.. he's so handsome.


I had gotten dressed into some nice clothes Matt leant me and he was ready to take me out to breakfast. we began walking since he hadn't cleaned out his car yet and it's wasn't a far walk.

We were walking down this road, laughing at this story he'd been telling me about his daughter when a posh lady confronted us.

"Mathias! How've you been!" She called reaching out her hand.

He greeted her with a smile and they spoke for a moment.

"Ah, Mrs. Greenhill this is Olivia. A good friend of mine"

"Ah, pleased to meet you Olivia. What a pretty name" she said shaking my hand.

"You too" I said slightly uncomfortable.

"Oh, what a lovely blouse. Did you know Katy use to have one the exact same." She exclaimed.


"Oh, I've set too much." She laughed posh.
"Well I'll see you another day Mathias, toodles!"


"Yeah.. just call me Matt, please."

"Why? I like Mathias so much better!" I joked, nudging him.

He just laughed.
Before we knew it we were at the Coffee house getting breakfast.

I had just bacon and eggs whilst Mathias ordered pancakes.

"So, Mathias. Who's Katy?"

"My wife." He said with pancake in his mouth.
"Well.. my ex wife"

"I still can't know what happened.?"

"No.. not yet."

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