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Bad Turn of Events

Courtney had been seeming off all day and I couldn't quite out my finger on why.
I had gotten dressed for work with some clothes I bought over, and grabbed my phone.

"Bye baby." I smiled as I gently pecked her on the lips.

"Bye, bub. Stay safe okay." She said seeming sympathetic as she waved me off.

I was making my way down to the car and turned my phone on to make sure I wasn't running late.

My eyes caught side of a message I hadn't yet noticed.

"Hey Liv.. It's... James?" I whispered to myself.
I felt my heart skip a beat, he's okay? Thank god..
"We need to talk?" I queried.
I stopped beside my car and decided to reply.

"Hey, I'm free today for lunch if you wanted to talk?" I replied, a knot in my throat as I pressed send.
I looked back up to the apartment building.

This can't hurt her feelings, right? I mean.. It's just to talk.

I sat in my car for a moment, convincing myself it was fine and it was JUST to catch up.
I started the car and as I went to pull out I received a message.
I sighed, halting the car as I gripped my phone.

"Ian: Hey Liv, the producers, Anthony and I decided on who to recruit. We've decided on Shayne and Courtney, good choices! We should leave you in charge of these things more often! Haha"
I raised an eyebrow, well that's good news.. I guess.
"Ian: Send me their numbers and I'll give them the news"
I smiled, sending their numbers to Ian before tucking my phone away and heading to work.

The day seemed to fly by and before I knew it, it was already lunch time.
I stood in an empty meeting room, everyone had just left to get lucnh, and I began rethinking this whole lunch scenario.
I was about to message him back and tell him no, but before I could he messaged me.

"Hey, I'm out the front of your work place. :)"

I sighed, feeling every muscle in my body tense up.
I began walking down, repeating in my head over and over,
It's just lunch, just lunch. It's. Just. LUNCH.

I saw his car as I exited my work building, it wasn't until I watched him get out and wave to me that I almost broke into tears.
All the feelings I had with him came rushing up.

"Hey!" I called, smiling.

He walked over, wrapping his arms around me as he twirled me in the air.
For a split second Courtney was in the back of my mind, but brief flashbacks of when she twirled me at the beach kept flooding back.

"Hey, you look. Great! You look great." I said nervously as he put me down.

"You too, stunning" he exhaled happily.
"Well. To lunch?" He added as I began to stare into his eyes.
After a few seconds I broke our gaze and politely agreed.

He drove us to some gourmet burger place, ordered our burgers and sat down in front of me.

"So.. What is it you wanted to talk about?" I smiled sheepishly.

"Oh. I wanted to talk to you about.. I want to get back with you." He exclaimed.

"But you're wit-" he cut me off. Placing his hands on mine.

"No. We broke up.. I couldn't stop thinking about you Olivia. Please" he said lovingly.
I looked at him with affection and concern.
"Ye- no. I can't.." I pulled my hands away.

"Why? Is there someone else..."

"Yes.. Actually." I exhaled.

"Oh.. Long term...?" He queried.

"Um..." I uttered, thinking to myself.

"Oh.. But it's pretty serious?"

"Yeah.." I added, choking on my words.

"May I ask.. Who?"

"Um.. Their names Courtney"

"Ha, that's a funny guys name" he laughed to himself.

"Courtney is a girl.." I choked out.
His face changed as he stared at me worryingly.

"And.. Uh. You two made it all official.?"

I smiled but it quickly faded when he said 'official'
"Uh.." I uttered sadly.

"Then, you two aren't a thing?"

I grew sadder as I stared at my hands.
"N-no.. We haven't.."

"So no ones going to beat me up for doing this" he exclaimed getting from his chair and walking over to me.

He delicately placed his hand under my chin as he grew closer, slowly yet romantically kissing me.

I didn't pull away, as he kissed me it seemed like heaven.
In the pack of my eyes I was kissing her..
And every part of me hoped that when I opened them it was her on the inter side of my eyes..

We kissed passionately for a few more seconds until my eyes opened.
Being met with his I felt a sick feeling in my stomach.

"See?" He whispered as he slowly pulled from me.

I stared into his eyes.
I still loved him, I wanted to kiss him again... I wanted to be with him.
But I couldn't help but think of Courtney.

"No.." I whispered before leaping up from my seat.
"No. James. I don't love you! I don't want to be with you, I don't even want to see you again because... Because I love Courtney." I yelled angrily, watching his face turn to a look of shock.

"Y-you love her?" He croaked.
"I didn't think you., I just thought you.." He coughed.
I stared down at him angrily before storming from the store.

The doors closed behind me when it struck me.
I love Courtney.

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