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We were sitting on my couch, laughing at the tv which we'd muted.
Olivia and I were impersonating the people on the show we were watching and just generally making each other laugh.
We had lost track of time due to our childishness and were paying no attention to the world surrounding us.
It was just me and her.

I sat beside her, facing her as I began to pull funny faces.
She laughed so hard, she had to beg me to stop or she would wet herself, I jeeringly continued as she fell forward, clasping her stomach.
I smiled as she leant up and placed her hands on my cheeks, continuing to laugh.
I'm not sure wether or not it was her, or if it was just her showing me attention, but I stopped.
I watched her laugh, how brightly she smiled.
It was perfect, everything in the world was dulled out but everything that surrounded this girl was nothing but bright colours and lights.

She looked up at me, a half smile crossed my face as my eyes peered into hers.
She was so happy and for a moment, as we sat in front of one another staring into each other's eyes, it seemed, for once, bliss.
I was happy.

Out attention was ripped away from one another as Olivia's phone rang.

"Ugh," I sighed as I leant back on the couch.
"Again? What's so important" I muttered.

"Ugh, I don't know. Can I take this?"

"Feel free?" I shrugged, who am I to prevent her having a personal life.


I stood on her balcony as I answered my phone, I knew that despite who my phone said was ringing me, it would always be over protective Noah on the other end.

"Olivia, where are you?" He uttered.

"I'm taking time off work, didn't anything tell you." I stated lowly.

"No, he didn't. We stopped by your house and you weren't home. Where are you?"

"At a friends." I smiled, glancing down the four story drop as I clung to the rails.

"Are you with Courtney?" He uttered, sounding angrier.

I turned around, glancing at Courtney as she brushed her hands through her hair, she looked stunning.
"Whaaaaaaa....." I muttered.

"No, Olivia I don't want you hanging around that girl. She's bad news." Noah stated.

"And whys that."

" I don't have to explain myself to you, just stop hanging around her."

"Yes, Noah. You do have to explain yourself because last time I checked you don't rule me."

"Fuck it Olivia. Just stop hanging around her!"

"Goodbye Noah." I shrugged as I hung up my phone.
I rested it on the balcony railing, so that if Noah called back it would fly off the edge and down four stories to the pavement.
I've had enough of him for one day.

I opened the sliding glass doors to the living room, and Courtney cheerily greeted me.

"Hey, is everything okay?" She smiled brightly.

"Yeah, just Noah acting up again." I shrugged as i sat beside her.
I sighed and rested my head back on her shoulder.

"Ah, scared I'm going to take his missus?" She joked.

"He would be if I was his missus, but no.. He just doesn't want me to be with anyone.." I sighed.

I felt her sigh softly as she wrapped her arms around me, comfortingly.

"I'll keep you safe, miss." She replied as she rested her head against mine.
I felt safer with her, safer than anyone of my friends have ever made me feel.

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