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Tearing Walls

She rested her head against my chest as I held her.
Both of her legs tucked under one of mine as she used my other leg for back support.

It's been four months since he broke up with her.
Three months since he started dating one of her friends..
And six hours since he was in a car accident.
It may sound cruel of me but I'd never let her visit him.
He deserves every minute of agony that accident puts him through.

"Hey court." Olivia muttered.


"Do you think we will ever find love?"

I thought for a second, staring out my window.

"Who's to say we haven't already.?"

"Mmm.." she hummed as she ran her arm up my side and to my shoulder.
"Life sucks.."

"Only sometimes.." I replied as I brushed my hand through her hair.

"Life sucks all the time."

"Not exactly.. does life suck right now?"

"... no." She muttered.

"So life doesn't suck all the time." I smiled as I looked down at her.

"Mm.. so you're right."

"I'm always right." I replied, I watched as a smile formed on her face in reaction to my gesture.

"True.. also" she hummed,
"Mm.. so what do you wanna do tomorrow.?"

"We can go to the movies?"

"Sounds like a date." I smiled.
She began to laugh as she tapped my shoulder with mer arm.

"Yeah. And you're my one true love, huh?"

"For tomorrow, I can be."

"Sounds romantic. And what, after we can go for a sunset walk on the beach."

"Baby. Tomorrow we can do anything you want." I smiled.

"I love you, Court. Thank you." She smiled as she rested her head back as if she were going to sleep.

"No problem, Liv. You deserve a day like that."

"Why didn't I just date you." She joked.

"Because you're not in love with me?" I said as I closed my eyes.

"Maybe after tomorrow that'll change." She joked again, ending with a giggle.


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