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Everything was set to perfection.
I had what I needed and now all I had to do was wait for Olivia to get home.


An hour passed and Olivia still wasn't back, I went to call her when I saw an unread text on my phone.

"Will be coming home late tonight. Sorry my love, someone broke in and stole all the set cameras" I sighed as I put my phone down.
We won't make our reservation.. but I can make a little dinner here for her, I'll make her her favourite meal and set it up under the balcony just for her..

Beneath the stars.


I brought out the table and chairs, placing a nice red table cover along with flowers and a vase and set them all out nicely.

It was going to be perfect.

I put on some music to prepare everything to and began happily humming to myself.

I was overwhelmed with joy with just how in love with her I am..
I'm doing it tonight and not turning back.

I let out a jagged exhale as a smile quickly grew on my face.

I'm overwhelmed.

Everything was set on the table so I turned to the kitchen and started our meals.
We didn't have a lot of the ingredients so I also had to run down the road to get some which took a great deal of time out of the night but it didn't slow anything down.

I was too excited.

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